Arabic for Life: Arabic Essentials (Part 2)

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مَرحَبًا بِعودَتِك/ marHaban biʻawdatik/ Welcome back! .

In Part 1, we launched our new blog series we call Arabic for Life. The series is designed to teach you the basics of Arabic that you can use as you go about your daily life in the Middle East. 

We started the series on the essentials of Arabic with vocabulary on introducing yourself, greeting people, and asking how they are – in other words, the essential Arabic you need to start a conversation in Arabic. 

Today we’re going to bring it all together in a conversation, adding a little more vocabulary and structure as we look at a dialogue you might hear every day in the Arab world.

Nice to Meet You

(Taghreed and Ivan meet on the elevator in the office building where they work.)






صَبَاحُ الخَير!

/SabaaHu ilkhayr/

Good morning!


كَيفَ حالُكَ؟

/kayfa Haaluka/

How are you?


بِخَيرٍ،  شُكرًا لَكِ.

/bikhayr shukran laki/

Fine, thank you.


ما اِسمُكَ؟

/maa ismuka/

What is your name? 


اِسمي إيفان.

/ismee ʼeevaan/

My name is Ivan


هَل أَنتَ مِن أَمريكا؟

/hal ʼanta min ʼamreekaa/

Are you from America? 


نَعَم، أَنا مِن وِلايَةِ ديلاوير.

/naʻam ʼanaa min wilaayati deelaaweer/

Yes, I am from Delaware.


هَل أَنتَ طبيب ؟

/hal ʼanta Tabeeb/

Are you a doctor?


لا، أَنا مَصرِفِيّ.

/laa ʼanaa maSrifey/

No, I am a banker.


سَعِدتُ بِلِقائكَ يا إيفان!

/saʻidtu biliqaaʼika yaa ʼeevaan/

Nice to meet you, Ivan.


 أَسعَدَني لِقاؤكِ أَيضًا

/ ʼasʻadanee liqaaʼuki ʼaydhan/

It was my pleasure!

See how easy it is to have a simple conversation using just those words and phrases you learned earlier. now. 

Again, you don’t have to worry so much about reading Arabic and pronouncing the letters perfectly. It’s your first lesson. Besides, from the Arabic alphabet and pronunciation to reading and speaking Arabic dialects, there’s plenty more to learn about the Arabic essentials with the Kaleela language learning app. If you enjoyed today’s lesson, then check out the Kaleela app and find out how easy and fun it is to learn the language when you learn Arabic the right way with Kaleela. 

Visit us at for more information.

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