Arabic for Life: At the Airport (Part 2)

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Hello and welcome to Part 2 of our Arabic for Life lesson on Arabic that you can use at the airport. In Part 1, we gave you a few vocabulary words in Arabic that you can use. Today, you’ll see how those words are used in a dialogue featuring Susan, a foreign exchange student from America who will be studying at Black Iris University in Amman, Jordan.

Where Will You Be Flying Today?

Susan is traveling from her home in Philadelphia to Amman. Read as she checks in at the ticket counter. First, read it to yourself. Afterwards, read it again, but this time, read it out loud. Continue this until you’ve become more comfortable pronouncing the words.

Attendant: Where will you be flying today?

إلى أَينَ تَتَوَجَّهُ طائرَتُكِ اليَوم؟

/ʼilaa ʼayna tatawajahu Taaʼiratuki ilyawm/

Susan: Amman, Jordan

عَمّان، الأُردُن

/ʻammaan ilʼurdun/

Attendant: May I see your ticket, passport, and visa, please?

هَل لي أَن أَرى تَذكِرَتَكِ، وَجَوازَ السَّفَرِ، وَالتَّأشيرَةَ، مِن فَضلِكِ؟

/hal lee ʼan ʼaraa taTHkirataki wa jawaaza issafari wa      ittaʼsheerata min fadhliki/

Susan: Here you go. My visa is on page three of my                                                                                                          passport.   

 ها هِيَ، تَأشيرَتي مَوجودَةٌ عَلى الصَّفحَةِ الثَّالِثَةِ مِن جَوازِ سَفَري.

/haa hiya taʼsheeratee mawjoodatun ʻalaa iSSafHati ithaalithati min jawaazi safaree/

Attendant: Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

هَل تُفَضِّل المَقعَدِ بِجِوارِ النَّافِذَةِ أَو المَقعَدِ بِجِوارِ المَمَرّ؟

/hal tufadhil ilmaqʻadi bijiwaari innaafiTHati ʼaw ilmaqʻadi bijiwaari ilmamarr/

Susan: Aisle, please.

المَمَرُّ مِن فَضلِكَ.

/almamarru min fadhlika/

Attendant: I have 13E available. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

المَقعَدُ E13 هُوَ المُتاح، كَم حَقيبَةً لَدَيك؟

/almaqʻadu E13 huwa ilmutaaH kam Haqeebatan ladayk/

Susan: Two



Attendant: Is one a carry-on?

هَل إِحداها حَقِيبَة يَد؟

/hal ʼiHdaahaa Haqeebat yad/

Susan: Yes.



Attendant: Okay. Here is your boarding pass. The plane will start boarding half an hour before departure at Gate 7.

حَسَنًا، ها هِيَ بِطاقَتُكِ المُخَصّصةُ لِلصُّعودِ إلى الطّائِرة، سَيَبدأُ الصُّعودُ إلى الطّائرَةِ قَبلَ نِصفِ ساعَةٍ مِن مَوعِدِ المُغادَرَة، عِندَ البَوّابَةِ رَقْمِ سَبْعَة.

/Hasanan haa hiya biTaaqatuki ilmukhaSSaSatu liSSuʻoodi ʼilaa iTTaaʼirah sayabdaʼu iSSuʻoodu ʼilaa iTTaaʼirati qabla niSfi saaʻatin min mawʻidi ilmughaadarah ʻinda ilbawwaabati raqami sabʻah/

Susan: Thank you.

.شُكرًا لَك

/shukran lak/

Customs and Immigration

Susan arrives in Amman.

Announcement: Welcome to Queen Alia International Airport. Please have your passport and   immigration forms ready.

مَرحَبًا بِكُم في مَطارِ المَلِكَةِ عَلياءَ الدُّوليّ. يُرجَى تَجهيزُ جَوازِاتِ سَفَرِكُم، وَنَماذِجِ الهِجرَة.

/marHaban bikum fee maTaari ilmalikati ʻalyaaʼa idduwaley yurjaa tajheezu jawaazaati safarikum wa namaaTHiji ilhijrah/

Immigration Official: What’s the purpose of your visit? Business or tourist?

ما هُوَ الغَرَضُ مِن زِيارَتِكِ؟ العَمَلُ أَمِ السِّياحة؟

/maa huwa ilgharadhu min ziyaaratiki ilʻamalu ʼami issiyaaHah/

Susan: Actually, I’m studying at Black Iris University.

في الواقِعِ، أَنا أَدرُسُ في جَامِعَةِ “بلاك آيريس”.

/fee ilwaaqiʻ ʼanaa ʼadrusu fee jaamiʻati blaak ʼaayris/

Immigration Official:  How long will you be staying in Jordan?

كَم سَتَبقَينَ في الأُردُن؟

/kam satabqeena fee ilʼurdun/

Susan: Six months.

سِتَّةَ أَشهُر

/sittata ʼashhur/

Immigration Official: Okay. Please continue with customs.

حَسَنًا. يُرجى المُتابَعة عِندَ الجَمارِك.

/Hasanan yurjaa ilmutaabaʻah ʻinda iljamaarik/

(At Customs)

Customs Official: Do you have any dairy, meat or vegetable products?

هَل مَعَكُم أَيَّ مُنتَجاتِ أَلبانٍ، أَو لُحومٍ، أَو خَضراوات؟

/hal maʻakom ʼayy muntajaati ʼalbaanin ʼaw luHoomin ʼaw khadhraawaat/

Susan: No.



Customs Official: Okay. Welcome to Jordan.

تَمام. مَرحَبًا بِكُم في الأُردُن.

/tamaam marHaban bikom fee ilʼurdun/

Once again, read the dialogue out loud until you’re comfortable pronouncing the words.

Car Rental

Lisa heads over to the car rental counter to pick up a car she rented to drive herself to her new dormitory room. As before, continue reading out loud once you’ve read it through the first time.

Susan: Hi. I’d like to rent a car for a couple days.

 مَرحَبًا، أَرغَبُ في استِئجارِ سَيّارَةٍ لبِضعَةِ أَيَّام.

/marHaban ʼarghabu fee istiʼjaari sayyaaratin libidhʻati ʼayyaam/

Agent:  Sure. May I see your driver’s license?

بِالتَّأكيد. هَل يُمكِنُني رُؤيَةُ رُخصَةَ قِيادَتَكِ؟

/bittaʼkeed hal yumkinunee ruʼyatu rukhSata qiyaadataki/

Susan: Will my international license be okay?

هَل سَتَكونُ رُخصَتي الدَّولِيَّةُ كافِيَة؟

/hal satakoon rukhSatee idduwlyyatu kaafiyah/

Agent: Sure. Just fill out this form. Write your address in Amman here and sign your name at the bottom of the page. Unlimited mileage and mandatory car insurance are included.

بِالتَّأكيد. ما عَلَيكِ سِوى مِلء هَذِهِ الاِستِمارَة. اِكتُبِي عِنوانَكِ في عَمّان هُنا وَ قومي بِتَوقيعِ اِسمُكِ في أَسفَلِ الصَّفحَة.وَيَشمَل التَّنَقُلِ غَيرِ المَحدودِ وَالتَّأمينِ الإِلزامِيِّ لِلسَّيّارات .

/bittaʼkeed maa ʻalayki siwaa milʼ haTHihi ilistimaarah iktobee ʻinwaanaki fee ʻammaan hunaa wa qoomee bitawqeeʻi ismuki fee ʼasfali iSSafHah wa yashmal ittanaquli ghayri ilmaHdoodi wa ittaʼmeeni ilʼilzaamyyi lissayyaaraat/

Susan: Do I have to drop the car off back here at the airport?

هَل يَجِبُ عَليَّ إرجاع السَّيّارَةِ هُنا إلى المَطار؟

/hal yajibu ʻalayya ʼirjaaʻ issayyaarati hunaa ʼilaa ilmaTaar/

Agent: Yes, but we can arrange someone to come and pick it up.

نَعَم، وَلَكِن يُمكِنُنا التَّرتيبُ مَعَ شَخصٍ لِيأتِيَ وَيَأخُذَها.

/naʻam wa lakin yumkinunaa ittarteebu maʻa shakhSin liyaʼtiya wa yaʼkhuTHahaa/

Susan: Okay, great! The keys are in the car?

حَسَنًا، عَظيم! المَفاتيحُ في السَّيّارَة؟

/Hasanan ʻaDHeem ilmafaateeHu fee issayyaarah/

Agent: No. Here it is right here. It’s right out in front of the airport.

ها هِيَ هُنا . إنَّها مُباشَرَة أَمامَ المَطار.

/haa hiya hunaa ʼinnahaa mubaasharah ʼamaama ilmaTaar/

Susan: Awesome! Thanks!

مُذهِل!  شُكرًا.

/muTHhil shukran/

Well, that just about does it for our lesson in Arabic for today.  Again don’t feel discouraged if you don’t recognize or remember every word. The more you practice and the more lessons you complete, you’ll find yourself speaking Arabic like a native in no time at all. In the meantime,  you can learn even more Arabic when you visit our website and download the Kaleela Arabic language learn app for even more fun lessons like this. Go to now and start learning Arabic the right way today with Kaleela!

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