We’ve talked in the past about fun Arabic board games here at Kaleela, but what fun is it playing them alone? Now you won’t have to as we present you with vocabulary and phrases in Arabic that you can learn and use to invite others to join you.
Here they are without further ado so you can start playing and having fun today.
English |
Transliteration |
Arabic |
board game |
/luʻbatun min ʼalʻaabi iTTaawilah/ |
لُعبَةٌ مِن أَلعابِ الطَّاوِلَة |
I like to play board games. |
/ʼuHibbu ʼan ʼalʻaba ʼalʻaaba iTTaawilah/ |
أُحِبُّ أَن أَلعَبَ أَلعابَ الطَّاوِلَة. |
Would you like to play a board game with me? |
/hal targhabu fee liʻbi luʻbati iTTaawilati maʻee/ |
هَل تَرغَبُ في لِعبِ لُعبَةِ الطَّاوِلَةِ مَعي؟ |
two to four players |
/min laaʻibayni ʼilaa ʼarbaʻah/ |
مِن لاعِبَينِ إلى أَربَعَة |
dice |
/Hajaru innard/ |
حَجَرُ النَّرد |
timer |
/muʼaqqit/ |
مُؤقِّت |
rules |
/qawaaʻid/ |
قَواعِد |
How do I win? |
/kayfa ʼafooz/ |
كَيفَ أَفوز؟ |
You can go first. |
/yumkinuka iTHahaabu ʼawwalan/ |
يُمكِنُكَ الذَّهابُ أَوَّلًا. |
start here |
/ibdaʼ hunaa/ |
ابدَأ هُنا |
move forward three spaces |
/almudhyyu quduman thalaathu masaafaat/ |
المُضيُّ قُدُمًا ثلاثُ مَسافات. |
Who’s winning? |
/man illaTHee yarbaH/ |
مَن الَّذي يَربَح؟ |
skip a turn |
/takhaTTee dawr/ |
تَخَطِّي دَور |
Whose turn is it? |
/dawr man/ |
دَورُ مَن؟ |
That was worth five points. |
/kaana THalika yastaHiqqu khamsa niqaaT/ |
كانَ ذَلكَ يَستَحِقُّ خَمسَ نِقاط. |
That’s against the rules. |
/haTHaa mukhaalifun lilqawaaʻid/ |
هَذا مُخالِفٌ لِلقَواعِد. |
back to square one |
/alʻawdati ʼilaa ilkhaanati ilʼulaa/ |
العَودَةِ إلى الخانَةِ الأُولى |
minus one point |
/naqaSat nuqTah/ |
نَقَصَت نُقطَة |
What’s the final score? |
/maa hiya innateejatu innihaaʼiyyah/ |
ما هِيَ النَّتيجَةُ النِّهائيَّة؟ |
Play again? |
/ilʻab marratan ʼukhrah/ |
العَب مَرَّةً أُخرى؟ |
Now you’re ready to play everything from checkers( لعبة الضّامَة/luʻbat idhaamah) to Parcheesi (بارشيسي/baarsheesee) with all of your Arabic friends.
We’re not playing games when it comes to learning Arabic with the Kaleela Arabic language learning app, however. Download the app today to see how tens of thousands have learned Arabic the right way from the convenience of their own home and find out for yourself just how fun and easy learning Arabic is with Kaleela. Get it now only from kaleela.com.