Whether it’s knowing the size of your carry-on luggage or the size of the space your refrigerator will fit into, sometimes, you may have to know the measurement of things in Arabic. This can be confusing if you’re an American, Liberian or Burmese, as the US, Liberia, and Myanmar are the only three countries still using the imperial system of measurement (that is, inches, feet, gallons, quarts, etc.); the rest of the world uses the metric system including the Arabic-speaking Middle East.
Well, not to worry, because if you’re planning on moving to or just visiting the Middle East you can be sure that your Arabic will measure up to whatever it is that you might have to, well, measure.
Here are some words to help you:
English |
Transliteration |
Arabic |
height |
/irtifaaʻ/ |
ارتِفاع |
width |
/ʻardh/ |
عَرض |
length |
/Tool/ |
طول |
weight |
/wazn/ |
وَزن |
meter |
/mitr/ |
مِتر |
centimeter |
/santeemitr/ |
سَنتيمِتر |
kilometer |
/keeloomitr/ |
كيلومِتر |
gram |
/ghiraam/ |
غِرام |
kilogram |
/keelooghiraam/ |
كيلوغِرام |
liter |
/litr/ |
لِتر |
milliliter |
/milleelitr/ |
مِلّيلِتر |
inch |
/booSah/ |
بُوصَة |
foot |
/alqadam/ |
القَدَم |
mile |
/meel/ |
مِيل |
yard |
/yaardah/ |
ياردَة |
gallon |
/ghaaloon/ |
غالون |
quart |
/rubʻ/ |
رُبع |
pound |
/junayh/ |
رَطْل |
So, whether you’re American or Arabian, there are both the metric and imperial measurements that will likely come in handy no matter where you’re from.
Make sure your measuring stick (مسطرة/maSTarah/ in Arabic) always stands tall when you learn Arabic the right way with the Kaleela Arabic language learning app. Find out how you can learn Arabic the right way when you download the Kaleela app today. Visit our website at kaleela.com now for more information.