Moroccan Society and Culture

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Many people have called Morocco home for hundreds of years and you’ll notice this in Moroccan culture. Along with the native Berbers, the country has hosted a diversity of cultures. Some of these include Phoenicians, Arabs, Sub-Saharan Africans, Romans and Spaniards. 

Most people who live there today, however, identify as Berber or Arab or a mix of the two. Modern Standard Arabic and the Amazigh languages including Tashelheit are the official languages. Although, many Moroccans speak a number of other languages including English, French, and Spanish.  

Though Moroccans are very hospitable and tolerant of different cultures, ideas and ways of life, they are still a culture of strong beliefs and social norms. So, any offense to them must be avoided no matter what. Things that might seem ordinary in your culture may be taken the wrong way as far as Moroccan etiquette. With this in mind, we’ve created a few tips to ensure that your visit to Morocco is both respectful and enjoyable.

Islam in Morocco

A majority of Moroccans are Muslim. This dictates many aspects of their lives including their everyday matters, politics and even the laws of Morocco. One of those personal obligations is that Muslims must pray five times a day. This needs to happen at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening and preferably at one of the many mosques in Morocco. Prayer times are listed in the newspapers every day. Although, you’ll probably hear the call to prayer echoing from the minarets a few minutes before prayer time. 

Friday in Morocco is the holy day and everything is closed; in fact, many companies also close on Thursdays and Fridays making these two days their weekend.

If you happen to be in Morocco during Ramadan, there are a few things you’ll have to take into consideration while you’re there.

First, in Ramadan, all Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. This means no eating, drink smoking, or even chewing gum. Most only work six hours a day, as well. If you’re not a Muslim, you don’t have to fast, but you do have to absolutely avoid eating, drinking, smoking, and chewing gum in public during Ramadan.

At sunset every night, Muslims gather with family and friends to break their fast. This is known as iftar. Eating and drinking often continue well into the night, with some even staying awake to eat before the dawn prayer.

In general, Morocco moves at a much slower pace during the month of Ramadan and shops may open and close at some rather unusual times, so plan accordingly.

Moroccan Family Values

The most important part of any Moroccan’s social relations is their family and each individual is always subordinate to the family. Families here consist of both the nuclear and extended family. Elders are highly respected and their opinions honored; thus, they often hold great influence over the rest of the family and their decisions.

As a result of these deep family bonds, you may see nepotism practiced throughout the country; however, in Morocco it is viewed as something positive because it is a show of support and respect for one’s family.

Moroccan Greetings and Gestures

When Moroccans greet each at the first meeting, handshakes are customary between individuals of the same sex. Once a relationship has developed, however, it is common for individuals of the same sex to kiss on both cheeks, starting with the left cheek.

Handshakes may be somewhat weak according to western standards and may be held longer than a Westerner is used to.

In any greeting taking place between men and women in Morocco, the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head in greeting.

When entering a social function, shake hands with the person to your right and then continue around the room going from right to left. Likewise, when it’s time to leave, say goodbye to each person individually.

Moroccan Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Moroccan’s house bring sweet pastries, nuts, figs, dates or flowers to the hostess. You may also bring a small gift for their children, as it is seen as a gesture of affection. Unless your host drinks, do not bring alcohol as a gift under any circumstances.

You should dress smartly to show respect to your hosts, and don’t forget to remove your shoes upon entering the house. If you are traveling with your spouse, check to see if he or she is invited, as some conservative Moroccans do not fancy mixed-sex groups.

Mind your manners at the table. Food is generally served at a knee-high round table with the guest of honor sitting next to the host. Before the meal is served, a basin will be brought out for you to wash your hands. Hold your hands over the bowl, trying not to splash while water is poured over them.

Food is generally served in a communal bowl or platter. Do not start eating until your host blesses the food and begins to eat or tells you to start eating. Eat only from the portion in the communal bowl or platter in front of you. If you are the honored guest, you will have the choices foods in front of you.

Eat and drink only with your right hand and use either a piece of bread to scoop your food. 

Do not wipe your hands on a napkin when you’re finished as the wash basin will be brought out once again to wash your hands.

You may have to drink water from a communal glass. If you’re uncomfortable with this, simple ask for a soft drink and you’ll be brought your own glass.

In conclusion

Here are a few tips that should get you through most any situation while you’re in Morocco. If you’re interested in learning more about Moroccan culture, or Arab culture in general, or if you’d like to start learning Arabic, stop by our website for more details. While you’re there, why not download the best way to learn Arabic – the Kaleela Arabic learning app? 

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