Adult Muslims know the importance of reading the Quran with understanding. Likewise, they also know the vital role learning to read the Quran plays in the lives of their children. Yet, learning to read and recite Islam’s most holy book can be a challenge for many young learners. This is mostly due to the fact Classical Arabic (or fusHa) is the language of the Quran. As a result, it’s crucial that children learn the language from an early age to glean the benefits of reciting Quran surahs.
However, there is an additional gain in learning the importance of recitation of Holy Quran. You see, learning fusHa will also open up new doors into both the Islamic and Arab cultures. And let’s face it, children should learn the worldly benefits of reciting Quran passages in the language in which it was written. Otherwise, there are no benefits of reading Quran in the morning nor are there benefits of reading Quran at night.
So, What Is Classical Arabic?
Think of Classical Arabic as the old-school form of Arabic. Much like Old English is to the modern English spoken today, so Classical Arabic or fusHa is to Modern Standard Arabic. And like the Old English used in Shakespeare’s works and the King James version of the Holy Bible, fusHa is also used in classic Arab works along with the Holy Quran.
Though there is much the same between fusHa and MSA, there are minor differences in grammar and punctuation. And though these small differences may seem like no big deal, they are, indeed, very crucial to understanding the Quran. Thus, it is crucial to begin learning fusHa at an early age.
Why Learning Classical Arabic is Beneficial at a Young Age
Muslims expect that their children to have a keen talent when they recite the Quran properly in line with tawjeed. As a result, they begin to teach their children fusHa from an early age. This way they gain from learning Classical Arabic because they have more time to become skilful at tawjeed, It also provides them with the chance to build their vocabulary. Thus, as they grow older, the words will have more meaning for them.
Yet another gain from studying the Quran at a young age is a great way to learn more about the Arabic language. This is mainly true for those parents whose mother tongue is Arabic and would like their child to be speak it as well.
This brings us to our final point. Being able to read the Quran as it should be is a great way to help children learn Arabic letters and vowels. In turn, this will also teach them how to pronounce words correctly. Now they no longer have to fear if they pronounce a word wrong, changing the meaning of it completely.
Kaleela Help Kids Learn Arabic
Everybody knows that children love to learn in an interactive and fun way. That’s why helping them learn Arabic through the Kaleela Arabic Learning app is so great.
Our engaging, easy-to-use platform can help get them started learning the Arabic alphabet. You’ll see Kaleela really makes learning the Arabic alphabet as easy as ABC.
The Kaleela Arabic Learning app is also a great supplement for children learning Arabic in school or at home. Try it out and watch as your kids start speaking Arabic in no time at all. Download the app today from kaleela.
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