Learn Arabic By Yourself: 4 Tips on How to Learn Through Self-Study

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“One of the best ways to learn anything is to teach yourself.”
– U.S. Appeals Court Judge Giles Rich

If you’re reading this right now, maybe you’ve decided to learn Arabic on your own. Maybe you don’t have enough time to learn Arabic online or in a formal classroom environment. Or you live too far away from the nearest academic institution or learning center and have decided that the best way to learn Arabic for you is to learn at home. Maybe you find Arabic language tutors a bit too pricey for your budget. Whatever the reason, congratulations! There are quite a few benefits to learning Arabic on your own such as learning at your own pace, learning on your personal schedule, and saving money. However, to make it even easier for you, we’ve come up with the following five tips to help you learn Arabic on your own.

Listen. Review. Repeat

When you’re practicing your Arabic listening skills, whether it be through audio files or online videos, listen to the lines you’re hearing over and over again. Doing this will allow you to pick up the rhythm and pronunciation of the native Arabic speaker. It can also sometimes help you with accent and dialect, depending on the audio source you’re listening to. For example, if you’re watching a play starring the famous Egyptian actor Adel Imam, you may pick up the Egyptian dialect and accent, much to the bewilderment of your Lebanese friends who will wonder how you could learn Egyptian Arabic after living in Beirut for three years.

Record. Review. Repeat

Everybody has a mobile device these days, so use yours to strengthen previously conversations. Have a conversation with a native Arabic speaker and record it (with his or her permission of course) on your mobile. Put it in your music playlist and after you’ve finished listening to the latest song by Nancy Ajram, the conversation will repeat again and again, as often as you like. Put on your headphones and listen to it on the bus, in your office, or before you go to sleep at night.

Record. Review. Repeat

Find something to read in Arabic. It can be anything – a newspaper, a website, a book of poetry, whatever you’re comfortable with. Record yourself reading aloud. Now, have a native Arabic speaker do the same thing and compare your recordings. Don’t stop repeating this until you sound almost exactly like the native speaker. If you’ve just began learning Arabic for beginners, you can even do something as simple as learn Arabic alphabet pronunciation and continue this exercise when you’ve moved on to trying to learn basic Arabic words, too.

Read. Review. Repeat

When you’re starting to learn to read Arabic, have your native speaking Arabic friend sit with and read along. Start slow at first, and increase your speed over time. Before you know it, you’ll notice that you’ve started to learn to speak Arabic much better, your Arabic pronunciation has become intuitive and at the same time, your Arabic listening comprehension will improve greatly, too.

You may have noticed that there is a pattern going on here and that is the pattern of repetition. Repeating Arabic words and phrases will help you better memorize the language and learn Arabic faster as a result. As you see, it doesn’t have to be boring. Mix it up and have some fun.

Oh, and what’s one more way that you can learn Arabic through self-study? Why, of course, it’s through the leader in Arabic learning apps – Kaleela. With Kaleela, you learn at your own pace and in the convenience of your home or office. Find out how you can download it to your IOS or Android mobile device by visiting us at kaleela.com.

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