It’s that time of year when love is in the air and that can only mean one thing. If you met even a few Arab friends, you’re probably going to get a دعوة زفاف daʻwat zifaaf (wedding invitation). So, to help you speak Arabic during the big day, we’re going to give you some Arabic phrases and vocabulary. For sure that will make you almost as happy as the عروس ʻaroos (bride in Arabic) and عريس ʻarees (groom in Arabic). Though Arab traditions and customs differ from country to country, this article will present the steps of زواج zawaaj (marriage). The majority of Middle Eastern families follow these traditions when wedding bells start to ring.
So how does it start?
First, much like the Western world, Arabic marriages usually begin with the طلب زواج Talab zawaaj (marriage proposal). This involves a meeting of the two families of the couple intending to get married. Arabs call this the (جاهة) jaahah. It is here that they work out the details of the marriage agreement known as the katib ktaab. Roughly translated from Arabic to English means “the writing of the book”. Once both families agree on things such as the مهر mahr (dowry), where the wedding will take place and where the couple will live, the couple is officially مخطوب makhtoob (engaged). Afterward, the خطيب khateeb (fiancé) and the خطيبة khateebah (fiancée) get to know each other. This can last anywhere from one week to upwards of one year. The khateebah may also decide to have an حفلة خطوبة Haflat khutoobah (engagement in Arabic) during this time.
The Arab wedding party is usually in a big صالة Saalah (hall). In some traditions, the men are separated from the women, while in other traditions it is mixed. Once you arrive, you will be greeted by either the والد العروس waalidu alʻaroos (father of the bride) or father of the groom waalidu alʻarees (the father of the groom) or both. Be sure to tell them both مبروك “mabrook! (Congratulations!)”. Once inside, you will be shown where to sit. Once the احتفال iHtifaal (celebration) begins, there will be plenty of traditional dancing done by both males and females. Later, there may be a meal followed by the traditional slice of كعكة الزفاف kaʻkat azzifaaf (wedding cake). Then there will be more dancing until everybody gets tired and leaves. However, the first will be the ʻaroos and ʻarees on their way to their شهر عسل shahr ʻasal (honeymoon).
In conclusion
Now that you know Arabic vocabulary for weddings, get out on the dance floor and have a good time!
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