Where Are You Going? Directions In Arabic

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If you ever have the chance to visit one of the Arabic-speaking countries, chances are you’re going to have to ask for directions to all the beautiful sights to see, or, know how to get to your hotel. Or perhaps you’ll be standing on a street in Amman, Jordan waiting for a taxi, when all of sudden, a car pulls up next to you with a frantic driver and he rolls down his window and shouts, “Ayana aqrab almostashfa?” and you don’t know how to give directions in Arabic. Well, have no fear because after reading this article you will be able to visit the Sphinx or spend the night in your comfortable hotel bed.

Let’s start with questions you can use when asking for directions in Arabic language:

English Arabic Transliteration
Where…? أين …؟ Ayna … ?
How do I get to…? كيف أصل إلى …؟ Kayfa asil ‘ilaa … ?
Where is the nearest…? أين أقرب…؟ Ayna aqrab … ?
Is this the way to…? هل هذا هو الطريق إلى…؟ Hal haathaa huwa attareeq ‘ilaa … ?

Now that you know how to ask for directions, you may want to also let the person you are asking where you want to go exactly.

Here are some places that might come in handy:

English Arabic Transliteration
Hospital in Arabic مستشفى mustashfaa
Airport in Arabic مطار mataar
Police station in Arabic قسم شرطة qism shurtah
Mall in Arabic سوق sooq
Club in Arabic نادى naadi
Museum in Arabic متحف muthaf
Post office in Arabic مكتب البريد maktab bareed
Bus station in Arabic محطة باص mahtat baas
Hotel in Arabic فندق funduq

Here are some examples using the language you learned above:
Excuse me, Where is the airport?/ عذراً , أين المطار ؟/’uthran, ayna almataar ?
How do I get to the train station, please? / من فضلك , كيف أصل لمحطة القطار ؟/ Min fadhlika, kayfa asil limahatit alqitaar?
Where is the nearest Hospital? / أين أقرب مستشفى ؟ / Ayna aqrab mustashfaa?
Is this the way to The Mall? / هل هذا الطريق الى السوق ؟ / Hal haathaa attareeq ‘ila assooq?
Now that we’ve seen how to ask for directions, let’s take a look at how to give directions if somebody asks us for them.

Here are our examples:

English Arabic Transliteration
Directions in Arabic إتجاهات ‘itjaahaat
Go left in Arabic إذهب يسارا
إذهبي يسارا
‘ithhab yasaaran (m.)
‘ithhabee yasaaran (f.)
Go right in Arabic إذهب يمينا
اذهبي يمينا
‘ithhab yameenan (m.)
‘ithhabee yameenan (f.)
On the right in Arabic على اليمين ‘alaa alyameen
On the left in Arabic على اليسار ‘alaa alyasaar
First street in Arabic أول شارع Awal shaari’
Second street in Arabic ثاني شارع Thaani shaari’
Walk in Arabic إمشي Emshi
Straight ahead in Arabic على طول ‘alaa tool
Cross the road in Arabic أعبر الشارع A’bur ashaari’
I can show you in Arabic سأريك الطريق Sa’reek attareeq
Come with me in Arabic تعالى معى Ta’aali ma’i
Near in Arabic قريب Qareeb
Far in Arabic بعيد Ba’eed
Next to in Arabic بجانب Bijaanib
Opposite in Arabic مقابل Moqaabil
Between in Arabic بين Bayna
Behind in Arabic خلف Khalf

So, there you have it. Now you
should be able to get around the Arab world and let other people know how to get around as well.

If you’re looking for direction in your life when it comes to learning about Arabic language and Arab culture, then let Kaleela show you the way. Come over to kaleela.com and download the Kaleela Arabic learning app for your iOS or Android.

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