Weather Words In Arabic – Facts, Vocabulary and Examples

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The climate in the Middle East is pretty consistent throughout the region with only two seasons: winter and summer. Some people jokingly refer to the weather as hot and hotter.

The weather during summer

Some might say that rainfall is almost nonexistent as most Middle Eastern countries consist of semi-arid and desert terrain, but that’s not always true. Rainfall varies considerably across the Middle East and even within countries. For example, the northern part of Iran normally receives a lot of rainfall during the year while its desert regions often receive no rainfall at all for many years.

Temperatures also vary by region. Summer temperatures in the Middle East can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius or more, and even the seawater is a warm, salty soup. Dubai or Abu-Dhabi can be scorching hot during summer (which last from May to September). Due to the oppressive heat, this is also the low tourist season with cheaper hotel rates and fewer crowds around the attractions. Late summer can also be humid with sandstorms in certain countries. Head to Yemen from June to September when the southeastern monsoons bring green to the desert, otherwise the coastal beach areas are the best place to be. However, low-lying coastal regions of the Arabian Peninsula of Jordan and Iraq, and those bordering the Mediterranean Sea have much more moderate temperatures during summer and winter.

The weather during winter

Speaking of winter, and contrary to popular belief, there can be snow in the Middle East. Winter, which lasts between October and April, is considered the best time to visit the Middle East where the temperatures are pleasant with less humidity and much cooler at night-time. Average temps range from 10 degrees Celsius in the UAE to the early -20s in the coastal areas like Aqaba in Jordan. The climate conditions of these months vary greatly between the different terrains of the Middle East where winters can also be mild and wet along the Mediterranean coast, while Saudi Arabia, northern Turkey, Iraq and Iran, Syria and Jordan experience real winters with freezing temps in the mountains and even snowfall between November and March. Winter would be the ideal time to visit the desert regions or check out the month-long Dubai Shopping Festival and Dubai World Cup horse race in January.

With this being said, let’s check out some weather words in Arabic and related vocabulary.

Weather vocabulary:

English Transliteration Arabic
Weather in Arabic Taqs طقس
Climate in Arabic Munaakh مناخ
Rain in Arabic Matar مطر
Snow in Arabic Thalj ثلج
Hail in Arabic Barad بَرَد
Rainbow in Arabic Qaws quzah قوس قزح
Cloud in Arabic Dhbaab ضباب
Cold in Arabic Baarid بارِد
Hot in Arabic Haar حار
Wind in Arabic Riyaah رياح
Air in Arabic Hawaa’ هواء
Breeze in Arabic Naseem نسيم
Fog in Arabic Dhbaab ضباب
Ice in Arabic Thalj ثلج
Thunder in Arabic Ra’id رعد
Lightning in Arabic Barq برق
Storm in Arabic Asifah عاصفة
Warm in Arabic Daafi’ دافئ
Humidity in Arabic Rutoobah رطوبة
Rainy in Arabic Maater ماطِر
Sunny in Arabic Mushmis مشمس
Temperate in Arabic Mu’tadel معتدل
Cloudy in Arabic Ghaa’im غائم
Wet in Arabic Ratib رطب
Forecasting in Arabic Tawaqu’aat توقعات

Following are some expressions about the weather:

English Trasliteration Arabic
What’s the weather like today? Kayfa huwa atṭaqs alyawm? كيف هو الطقس اليوم؟
What will the weather be like tomorrow? Kayfa sayakoon attaqs ghadan? كيف سيكون الطقس غداً؟
Nice day today, isn’t it? Yawmun jameel , alaysa kathalik? يوم جميل، اليس كذلك؟
What awful weather! Yaa lahu min taqsin sayiʾ يا له من طقس سيئ
It’s raining Innaha tumtir إنها تمطر
It’s snowing Athaljuo yatsaaqatu الثلج يتساقط
Tomorrow it will be… Ghadan sawfa yakoon… …غداً سوف يكون
Yesterday it was sunny Imbaarih kaan aljaw mushmiss مبارح كان الجو مشمس

We hope that this sparked your curiosity about the very diverse weather in the Middle East and hopefully we helped you be more prepared when visiting an Arab country any time of year!

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