Adverbs – Examples Of Adverbs In Arabic

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You might’ve seen our article regarding Arabic adjectives, so it’s only natural that we should show an example or two of what an adverb in Arabic is since the structure is used in everyday conversation. Moreover, it will help broaden your vocabulary and enable you to make more complex sentences. However, first we need to know what the role of adverbs is in the structure of Arabic grammar. Generally, they’re words that modify any part of language other than a noun. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, time, sentences and other adverbs.

Below is a list of adverbs of time, place, manner, and frequency in Arabic:

Adverbs of time

English Transliteration Arabic
Yesterday in Arabic Aams أَمْس
Today in Arabic Aleeawm الْيَوْم
Tomorrow in Arabic Ghada غَدا
Now in Arabic Alaan الْآَن
Then in Arabic Thom ثُم
Later in Arabic Feemaa ba’d فِيْمَا بَعْد
Tonight in Arabic Hatheh allaeelah هَذِه الْلَّيْلَة
Right now in Arabic Fee alwaqt alhaalee فِي الْوَقْت الْحَالِي
Last night in Arabic Laeelah aams لَيْلَة أَمْس
This morning in Arabic Hathaa alsabaah هَذَا الْصَّبَاح
Next week in Arabic Alaosbow’ almoqbel الْأُسْبُوْع الْمُقْبِل
Already in Arabic Saabeqaa سَابِقَا
Recently in Arabic Mo’akhara مُؤَخَّرا
Lately in Arabic Mo’akhara مُؤَخَّرا
Soon in Arabic Qareeeba قَرِيْبا
Immediately in Arabic Fawraa فَوْرَا
Still in Arabic Laa eeazaal لَا يَزَال
Yet in Arabic Ba’d بَعْد
Ago in Arabic Month مُنْذ

Adverbs of place

English Transliteration Arabic
Here in Arabic Honaa هُنَا
There in Arabic honaak هُنَاك
Over there in Arabic Honaak هُنَاك
Everywhere in Arabic Fee kol makaan فِي كُل مَكَان
Anywhere in Arabic Fee aaee makaan فِي أَي مَكَان
Nowhere in Arabic Laa makaan لَا مَكَان
Home in Arabic Monazal مُنَزَّل
Away in Arabic ba’eeda بَعِيْدا
Out in Arabic Khaarej خَارِج

Adverbs of manner

English Transliteration Arabic
Very in Arabic Jadaa جَدَّا
Quite in Arabic Tamaamaa تَمَامَا
Really in Arabic Haqa حَقّا
Fast in Arabic Saree’ سَرِيْع
Well in Arabic Jaeed جَيِّد
Hard in Arabic Althaabet الثَّابِت
Quickly in Arabic Besor’ah بِسُرْعَة
Slowly in Arabic Bebot’ بِبُطْء
Carefully in Arabic Be’enaaeeah بِعِنَايَة
Hardly in Arabic Bealkaad بِالْكَاد
Barely in Arabic Bealkaad بِالْكَاد
Mostly in Arabic Fee alghaaleb فِي الْغَالِب
Almost in Arabic Taqreeban تَقْرَيْبَا
Absolutely in Arabic Eetlaqaa إِطْلاقَا
Together in Arabic Ma’aa مَعَا
Alone in Arabic Wahdahaa وَحْدَهَا

Adverbs of frequency

English Transliteration Arabic
Always in Arabic Daa’emaa دَائِمَا
Frequently in Arabic Katheeera كَثِيْرا
Usually in Arabic ‘aadah عَادَة
Sometimes in Arabic Aaheeaana أَحْيَانا
Occasionally in Arabic Aaheeaana أَحْيَانا
Seldom in Arabic Naaderaa maa نَادِرَا مَا
Rarely in Arabic Naadera نَادِرا
Never in Arabic Aabada أَبَدا

Once you’re done with Arabic adverbs, you might want to check the rest of our Arabic lessons. And never forget – practice makes perfect! So make sure you revise your lessons for maximum acquisition.

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