Arabic Conversation Skills: Learning To Talk On Your Mobile In Arabic

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No matter where you roam in today’s world, you probably take your mobile telephone  (الهاتف المحمول – alhatif almahmul) with you. Indeed, having your own (الهاتف – alhatif ) (phone) is an awesome and easy way to stay in touch with friends, make social arrangements, and plan other aspects of your life. With your (محادثة هاتفية – muhadathat hatifia) (cell phone), you can get in touch with anyone in the world and talk about anything you like — from sports (الرياضة – alriyada) to schoolwork (المدرسية – almadrasia) to office gossip ( ثرثرة المكتب – thartharat almaktab)! Learning vocabulary for talking on your mobile in Arabic is just a way to practice your Arabic conversation skills.

Mobile phones became an important part of our daily lives

For sure, in today’s world, everyone is in touch with everybody everywhere they go, which makes learning Arabic for a phone conversation (محادثة هاتفية – muhadathat hatifia) even more important. You can even practice your Arabic writing using the Arabic keyboard app on hatifik (your phone) or download Arabic language apps to practice anywhere.

So, now you’re walking around Amman and your mobile rings.

What do you say? Well, you can begin a conversation in a number of ways. First, you can simply start with (insert Arabic here) allo (hello) then follow up with your name (أنا غاري – ana ghari) (I’m Gary), or alternatively, هذا غاري –hadha ghari (This is Gary) or (هذه سارة – hadhi Sara) (This is Sarah), if you are a girl named Sarah, for example. You can also answer with (السلام عليكم – alsalam alaykum) (Peace be upon you – the traditional Muslim greeting) or (أهلاً وسهلاً – ‘ahlan wa sahlan) (meaning Hello and Welcome or even simply Hi in Arabic).

On the other hand…

Let’s say, however you need to talk to your friend Ahmed, so you call his phone and a female voice answers. You can check and see if this is Ahmed’s number by simply asking (هل أحمد هناك؟ – hal ‘ahmad hunak?) (Is Ahmed there?). She answers, (“.انتظر لحظة وسأحصل عليه” – “aintazar lahzat wasa’ahsil ealayhi”) (Wait one minute and I’ll get him.”)

When finally talking with your friend

Ahmed answers the phone and now you can start making (الترتيبات الاجتماعية altartibat alaijtimaeia) (social arrangements) with him. First, you can say (insert Arabic here) hayyaa binaa! (Let’s go!) followed by the place you want to go, for example:

هيا بنا نذهب إلى المطعم / hayyaa binaa nadhhab ‘iilaa almateam / Let’s go to the restaurant

Also, you can use this sentence structure for everything. Just replace the word showing the destination.

In conclusion

The more places you learn about in Arabic, the more you’ll be able to ask someone to join you in your  (وقت فراغ – waqt faarigh) (free time in the Arabic to English translation).
Now that you’ve learned to speak Arabic on the telephone, why not call one of your Arabic-speaking friends and ask him or her to a café where you can practice your Arabic conversation skills.
You can also drop us a line if you have any questions on this article or any other article here on We always love to hear your feedback in Arabic or English. Or you can even download our Arabic learning app!

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