Why it’s Important to Learn to Type Using the Arabic Keyboard

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In today’s world, learning Arabic comes with plenty of benefits. You not only learn about the Arab culture, but as we’ve discussed before, learning Arabic can also help boost your career. Moreover, to really impress your future Arab employer, then mastering Arabic typing can help you stand out above other applicants.  Of course, there’s plenty more perks to be had when it comes to knowing the Arabic keyboard layout. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss just a few.

Why You Should Learn to Type in Arabic 

Maybe you’re planning to learn Arabic or maybe you’ve been studying for some time now. Whatever the case, you learning how to read, write, listen to, and understand Arabic to become fluent. Moreover, while learning that Arabic language skill set, you’ve also learned a lot of tips and tricks to become better. Some of these tips and tricks you’ve even learned from Kaleela. So, with that in mind, here’s another tip: learn to type in Arabic.  It will only help you become better at Arabic. In fact, whether you learn to type on  an Arabic keyboard online or by using a smart Arabic keyboard on your phone, learning to type in Arabic will help you:

  • Find Arabic words faster.

It’s bound to happen. Someone says something in Arabic, but you’re stuck on that one word they’ve said that you just don’t understand. If you know how to type in Arabic, using your Arabic dictionary apps, it’s no problem. Simply type in the word using your phone’s Arabic keyboard and voila! Now you’re back on track.

  • Find Arabic websites faster.

Maybe you’ve landed that job in Dubai and you’re looking for some information for a report you have to submit. However, you just can’t seem to find the information you need in English. You’ve even tried to translate it through Google, but that didn’t work, either. Now, using your English to Arabic keyboard, switch that baby over to Arabic put your Arabic typing skills to test. Enter what you’re looking for in Arabic in the search engine and you’ll find all the statistics you need right in front of you.

Communicate in Arabic better.

Once you’ve learned how to type in Arabic, you can write emails and reports for work with ease. You can text your colleagues to find out where they are on that project. You can even text your new Arab friends and know exactly where to meet them for shawarma after work.

These are just a few of the benefits you’ll get from learning to type Arabic.  While you’re learning, we’re sure you’ll find more.


In the meantime, are you looking to supplement your Arabic or maybe even refresh what you already know? Then head over to our website and download the Kaleela Arabic Language App today. Whether you’re a beginner or just want to start learning Arabic where you left off in high school, it’s the perfect app for everyone. Find out why by visiting  kaleela.com  and get more info on how you can start speaking Arabic today!

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