Some of the best experiences in life are had when one travels abroad. Indeed, when you travel to another country and immerse yourself in its culture, it can be fun and exciting. However, speaking that country’s language, even if it’s just a few words, can offer you an even richer experience. For instance, while poring over those brochures of Petra, did you ever think about learning Arabic phrases for travel to make your trip to Jordan even more rewarding?
Listen to the locals
After all, isn’t it the locals who can tell you the best places to eat, sleep, and sightsee? Certainly, learning more than just how to say “hello” in Dubai offers tourists opportunities they’d never find in a guidebook. What’s more, when you travel in Arabic speaking countries, you’ll find most locals are friendly and happy to help.
This is especially true when some knows what to say in Arabic when someone is traveling. This is because Arabs really admire someone who attempts to speak their language. You see, they, too, realize that Arabic isn’t the easiest language to learn. Nevertheless, they’ll respect your effort. Besides that, when you speak to a native speaker of Arabic, you’ll be improving your Arabic language skills as well. Thus, you’ll be ensuring a richer and more rewarding experience no matter which Arabic speaking country you decide to travel to.
Essential Arabic phrases for travel
The Arabic word for travel is السفر / alsafar. Now that you’ve learn your first travel-related word in Arabic, let’s get you started on the rest of your journey.
Here’s a list of Arabic words related to travel to get you started:
English | Transliteration | Arabic |
Do you speak English in Arabic | Hal tatahdath alenglizia? | هل تتحدث الإنجليزية؟ |
Where can I get a taxi in Arabic | Ayna yomkinani al hosool ala sayara ojra? | أين يمكنني الحصول على سيارة أجرة؟ |
I need a doctor in Arabic | htaj tabeeb | أحتاج طبيبا |
I need the police in Arabic | ahtaj ila alshorta? | أحتاج إلى الشرطة؟ |
How much is this in Arabic | kam thaman haza | كم ثمن هذا؟ |
I am in Arabic | Ana | أنا |
I’m from in Arabic | Ana men | أنا من |
Hello in Arabic | Ahlan | أهلا |
Goodbye in Arabic | maa alsalama | مع السلامة |
Please in Arabic | men fadlak | من فضلك |
Thank you in Arabic | shokran | شكراً |
I’m sorry in Arabic | Ana asif | أنا آسف |
Can I have in Arabic | hal yomkinani alhosool ala … | هل يمكنني الحصول على |
Yes in Arabic | naam | نعم |
No in Arabic | la | لا |
What’s your name in Arabic | ma esmok | ما اسمك |
How are you in Arabic | kaif halak? | كيف حالك؟ |
Pardon in Arabic | maazira | معذرة |
Please repeat in Arabic | berjaa al eaada | برجاء الإعادة |
Sorry I don’t understand in Arabic | Asif la afham | آسف لا أفهم |
Where is in Arabic | ayn al… | أين ال.. . |
Welcome in Arabic | ahlan bek | أهلا بك |
I am lost in Arabic | ana ta’h | أنا تائه |
Can you help me in Arabic | hal yomkinak mosaadaty? | هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟ |
Again please in Arabic | mara okhra, men fadlak | مرة اخرى، من فضلك |
Great in Arabic | aazim | !عظيم |
I am in Arabic | ana… | .. أنا |
How do I get to in Arabic | kaif azhab ela (almakan) | (كيف أذهب إلى ( المكان |
What time is it in Arabic | kam alwakt? | كم الوقت؟ |
In conclusion
Ready to learn more? Well, what if we told you that you can learn Arabic anytime, anywhere before you even step on a plane? It’s true! With the Kaleela Arabic learning app, you’ll learn real Arabic dialects in courses designed by native Arabic speakers. Our app takes you step-by-step from learning the Arabic alphabet to using real-world phrases in conversations all at your own pace! Students and travelers alike highly recommended the Kaleela Arabic learning app! Best of all! Download it now and start speaking Arabic today, only from Kaleela.
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