Trying to learn Arabic online or in a formal classroom may not be suitable for everyone. Some people simply don’t have the time or money for formal learning of Arabic. Others may not be comfortable learning online or in classroom type settings and prefer to learn on their own. However, that doesn’t mean trying to learn Arabic language skills is out of the question. Here are a few alternative ways anyone wanting to learn Arabic can do that without stepping foot in a classroom, virtual or otherwise:
1) Listen to Arabic Popular Music
Did you ever think it was possible to learn a language through music? Well, it is and learning Arabic is no exception to that possibility. Through music you can get a better feel for how Arabic words are supposed to be pronounced. Also, you will pick up a few informal and slang terms. Start by going to the internet and looking for free online Arabic radio stations that you can tune-in to from any of the Arab speaking countries of the Middle East. Alternatively, you can also search video sharing websites like YouTube for Arabic music. Once you start to learn basic Arabic words you can search for the lyrics and sing along.
2) Watch Arab Films and Series
Watching movies and series in Arabic is another one of the unconventional methods of learning. So, while you’re on YouTube looking for music, try searching for Arab movies or television series. Somehow, watching Arabic movies and series can be better than listening to music. Not only do get new Arabic vocabulary words, but you also get the body language of Arabs which can help you understand what’s going. Some Arabic movies also give you the option of watching them with English subtitles. So, if you really get stuck on some vocabulary or the characters speak too quickly, you’ll still be able to still understand. One more good thing about watching Arabic films or TV series is that they’re usually all filmed using the Egyptian dialect. Thus, if you want to learn Egyptian Arabic, watching these just came with a bonus for you.
3) Study Middle Eastern Restaurant Menus
Okay, so you probably already know what kebabs are. Also, thanks to Tony Stark and the Avenger movies, you’ve even heard of shawarma. That can only mean that we’re leading up to yet another fun way to learn a language outside of the classroom. Studying menus from Arab restaurants! You don’t even have to leave your house as you can find most menus online. However, we suggest a visit to an authentic restaurant in your area. There you can practice ordering your food in the foreign language as well. And, hey, you’ll be dining on some great food as well.
4) Let Your Smartphone Help You Get Smarter
Another way you can learn Arabic without even stepping foot in a classroom is through the use of downloadable Arabic learning apps like the Kaleela Arabic learning app. In fact, as more and more people are downloading and using them, language learning apps are turning what was once an unconventional way of learning Arabic into a more conventional way to learn the language. Studies have shown that Arabic learning apps are the best way to learn Arabic and Arabic dialects and the Kaleela Arabic learning app lets you learn Arabic language skills on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. Visit our website and find out how you can download our Arabic learning app to your IOS or Android mobile device and start to learn to speak Arabic today.
Kaleela – Learn Arabic the Right Way!