Arabic Pronunciation – An Introduction To Proper Spelling

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Whether you are learning Arabic because of a class or due to pure interest, doing it the right way is always a good idea.

We are here to give an introduction to Arabic pronunciation.

Believe it or not, there is Arabic pronunciation in English accents and Arabic pronunciation in Arabic accents. These could be distinguished using an Arabic pronunciation audio or app. Of course, they make all the difference to recognize if the speaker is a native or fluent, or a super beginner.

Searching words up to pronounce in Arabic translation or even having an Arabic pronunciation dictionary or guide works for some, but not all.

The Importance of the Why

We would like to be your Arabic pronunciation guide for today and we are starting with the reasons. There are a couple of reasons why it is very important to learn Arabic pronunciation appropriately.

Communicating Correctly

One of them is basically having good understanding. Imagine you are speaking to someone and they pronounce the word “bit” as “bet”. It will definitely make all the difference in meaning.

Similarly, to the English language, one sound will change the meaning entirely.


Imagine this: You are trying to speak but cannot express yourself enough because you failed to pronounce properly. Sad story, right? Exactly. Pronunciation matters when you want to express yourself in the right way. Not everyone will have the patience, and even those that do, will still make you feel frustrated towards yourself. It is like listening to a kid trying to pronounce a new word in his or her weekly story: It’s not fun.


Did you know that being fluent is more accepted and welcomed than knowing all the vocabulary and grammar of a language? People are pretty much drawn to someone who is fluently speaking with less words than speaking with bad pronunciation but perfect grammar. Make a good impression.

Ever heard of “fake it till you make it”? Stay fluently speaking and pick up the words as you “look the part” of a natural Arabic speaker.

Reasons Aside

So we recognized three important reasons why you should up your pronunciation game. But there is more to it.

In any language, let alone Arabic, not only does it look good for you but it is also a great investment in your language learning journey. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is not easy. Pronunciation of the strong letters such as /ع/and /غ/ /A’/ and /Gha/ respectively, is quite challenging.

People respect those who put effort into their work. Pronunciation in English has its importance, but in Arabic it makes all the difference. Also, when others notice the work you put in, especially native Arabic speakers, you got yourself major company.

Great social capital is a definite yes in the Arab world.

Not to mention, once you mastered the correct pronunciation of these letters in the right places, you will feel more confident and pronunciation of common dialects will be an easy process.

Kaleela is here to support your Arabic learning in every way and form, including pronunciation.

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