Ahlan wa Sahlan! That would be a common greeting in Arabic, and if you will stay with us for this article, you will see what it means further down this composition. As you might have guessed already, here we will be mainly focusing on basic Arabic words, greetings, expressions, and questions. As you probably know, what would be the first thing you learn in a new language? The hellos, goodbyes, thank you, and so on. We’ve compiled a list of common words in Arabic and short Arabic phrases that would get you started in learning.
Have a look at the below table
English | Transliteration | Arabic |
Hello in Arabic | marhaban | مرحبًا |
Ok in Arabic | hasanan | حسنًا |
Goodbye in Arabic | i’lla il liqaa’ | إلى اللقاء |
Thank you in Arabic | shukran | شكرًا |
Excuse me in Arabic | alma’thirah | المعذرة |
You’re welcome in Arabic | ‘ala arrahb wa isse’ah | على الرحب والسعة |
Good morning in Arabic | sabaah il khayr | صباح الخير |
Sorry in Arabic | ‘aasif | آسف |
Good night in Arabic | tusbah ‘alaa khayr | تصبح على خير |
Good evening in Arabic | masaa’ ilkhayr | مساء الخير |
Welcome in Arabic | ‘ahlan | أهلًا |
How are you in Arabic | kayfa haaluk | كيف حالك |
I’m fine in Arabic | ‘anaa bikhayr | أنا بخير |
My name is in Arabic | ismee… | …اسمي |
Please in Arabic | law samaht | لو سمحت |
Happy birthday in Arabic | ‘eid melaad sa’eed | عيد ميلاد سعيد |
Congratulations in Arabic | mubaarak | مبارك |
Good luck in Arabic | bittawfeeq | بالتوفيق |
Yes in Arabic | ‘ajal | أجل |
No in Arabic | laa | لا |
I don’t know in Arabic | laa a’rif | لا أعرف |
I miss you in Arabic | ishtaqtu lak | اشتقت لك |
My love in Arabic | habibi (m.) habibti (f.) |
حبيبي حبيبتي |
Beautiful in Arabic | jameel | جميل |
Family in Arabic | ’aa’ilah | عائلة |
Brother in Arabic | ‘akh | أخ |
Sister in Arabic | ‘ukht | أخت |
Baby in Arabic | tifl | طفل |
Life in Arabic | hayaah | حياة |
Good in Arabic | jayid | جيد |
Bad in Arabic | sayi’ | سيئ |
Happy in Arabic | sa’eed | سعيد |
Happiness in Arabic | sa’aadah | سعادة |
Help in Arabic | musaa’dah | مساعدة |
Restaurant in Arabic | mat’am | مطعم |
Car in Arabic | sayyaarah | سيارة |
Bread in Arabic | khubz | خبز |
Home in Arabic | bayt | بيت |
Dog in Arabic | kalb | كلب |
Cat in Arabic | qittah | قطة |
Where are you in Arabic | ‘ayna ‘anta (m.) ‘ayna ‘anti (f.) |
أين أنتَ؟ أين أنتِ؟ |
Where in Arabic | ‘ayn | أين؟ |
When in Arabic | mataa | متى؟ |
What in Arabic | maathaa | ماذا؟ |
Why in Arabic | limaathaa | لماذا؟ |
Sun in Arabic | shams | شمس |
Moon in Arabic | qamar | قمر |
You’ve made it to the end of the list! It is common practice that a language student, at the beginning of his learning journey, will start with the most common basic words. We advise that you revise and practice these words. It will give you more confidence over time regarding pronunciation and flow of speech. We are always here to suggest ways on how to achieve fluency in Arabic.
If you liked this article and would like to learn Arabic, why not head over to our website and download the Kaleela Arabic learning app and learn to speak Arabic today? With the Kaleela Arabic learning app you can start learning Arabic on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. It really is the best way to learn Arabic! Try it now and find out why.