/ʼahlan wa sahlan/ أَهلًا وَ سَهلًاand welcome to Part 2 of our apartment hunting lesson in our Arabic for Life series. Today we’re going to take that vocabulary you learned in Part 1 and put it all together in a dialogue that features a couple looking for an apartment.
So, let’s get right to it today, shall we?
We’ll Take It!
Robert and Sarah are interested in moving into a new apartment. Abu Yusef, a landlord, is showing them one of his apartments available to rent. Let’s read their dialogue as he takes them through the apartment and answers their questions.
Abu Yusef: |
تَفَضَّلا، دَعاني آخُذُكُما جَولَةً في الأَرجاء، هُنا غُرفَةُ المَعيشَة. |
/tafadhalaa daʻaanee ʼaakhuTHkumaa jawlatan fee ilʼarjaaʼ hunaa ghurfatu ilmaʻeeshah/ |
Come on in, let me show you around. Here’s the living room. |
Sarah: |
عَظيم! المَنظَر مِن هَذِه النَّافِذَةِ رائع. |
/ʻaDHeem almanDHar min haTHihi innaafiTHati raaʼiʻ/ |
Great! The view from this window is wonderful. |
Abu Yusef: |
هَذا هُوَ المَطبَخ |
/haTHaa huwa ilmaTbakh/ |
This is the kitchen. |
Robert: |
يَبدو جَديدًا. |
/yabdoo jadeedan/ |
It looks new. |
Abu Yusef: |
نَعَم، قُمنا بِتَجديدِهِ العامَ الماضي فَقَط، وَاستَبدَلنا جَميعَ الأَجهِزَة. |
/naʻam qumnaa bitajdeedihi ilʻaama ilmaadhee faqaT wa istabdalnaa jameeʻa ilʼajhizah/ |
Yes, we renovated just last year and replaced all the appliances. |
Abu Yusef: |
وَهُنا الحَمَّام. |
/wa hunaa ilHammaam/ |
And here’s the bathroom. |
Robert: |
قُلتَ كَمِ الإيجار؟ |
/qulta kam ilʼijaar/ |
How much did you say the rent was? |
Abu Yusef: |
ثَلاثُمائةِ دينارٍ شَهريًّا. |
/thalaathumaaʼati deenaarin shahryyan/ |
Thirteen hundred dinars a month. |
Sarah: |
هَل يَشمَلُ ذَلكَ المَرافِق؟ |
/hal yashmalu THaalika ilmaraafiq/ |
Does that include utilities? |
Abu Yusef: |
يَشمَلُ التَّدفِئةَ، وَالغازَ، وَالماءَ السَّاخِنَ، والكَهرَباءَ. |
/yashmalu ittadfiʼah wa ilghaaz wa ilmaaʼa issaakhina wa ilkahrabaaʼ/ |
It includes heat, gas, hot water. and electricity. |
Sarah: |
مَتى سَتَكونُ الشِّقَّةُ مُتاحَةً؟ |
/mataa satakoon ishiqqatu mutaaHah/ |
When will the apartment be available? |
Abu Yusef: |
في الأَوَّلِ مِنَ الشَّهر. |
/fee ilʼawwali mina ishahr/ |
On the first of the month. |
Robert: |
لَقَد أَحبَبناها كَثيرًا، لَكِن عَلينا أَن نُفَكِّرَ في الأَمر. هَل يَمكِنُنا الاتِّصالُ بِكَ غَدًا؟ |
/laqad ʼaHbabnaahaa katheeran lakin ʻalaynaa ʼan nufakkir fee ilʼamr hal yumkinunaa ilittiSaalu bika ghadan/ |
We like it a lot, but we’ll have to think about it. Can we call you tomorrow? |
Abu Yusef: |
بِالتَّأكيد. |
/bittaʼkeed/ |
Sure. |
(اليَوم التَّالي/alyawm ittaalee/THE NEXT DAY)
مَرحبًا أبا يُوسُف. أَنا روبِرت لاروك. أَتَّصِلُ بِشأنِ الشِّقَّةِ الَّتي رَأيناها بِالأَمس. نَوَدُّ أَن نَأخُذَها إذا كانَت ما تَزالُ مُتاحَة . |
/marHaban ʼabaa yoosuf ʼanaa robirt laarook ʼattaSilu bishaʼni ishiqqati illatee raʼaynaahaa bilʼams nawaddu ʼan naʼkhuTHahaa ʼiTHaa kaanat maa tazaalu mutaaHah/ |
Hello, Abu Yusef? This is Robert LaRock. I’m calling about the apartment we looked at yesterday. We’d like to take it if it’s still available. |
Abu Yusef: |
مُمتاز |
/mumtaaz/ |
Perfect! |
Robert: |
إذَن، ما هِيَ الخُطوَةُ التَّالِيَة؟ |
/ʼiTHan maa hiya ilkhuTwatu ittaaliyah/ |
So, what’s the next step? |
Abu Yusef: |
سأَقومُ بِإعدادِ عَقدِ إيجارٍ وَأُرسِلُهُ إلَيكَ.. |
/saʼaqoomu biʼiʻdaadi ʻaqdi ʼijaarin wa ʼursiluhu ʼilayka |
I’ll draw up a lease and send it to you. |
Robert: |
سَأَستَعيدُ الوَديعَةَ، أَلَيسَ كَذَلِك؟ |
/saʼastaʻeedu ilwadeeʻah ʼalaysa kaTHaalik/ |
I’ll get the deposit back, won’t I? |
Abu Yusef: |
بِالطَّبعِ. |
/biTTabʻ |
Of course |
Robert: |
شُكرًا! |
/shukran/ |
Thanks! |
Study the dialogue carefully, and you’ll see that finding an apartment in Arabic is easier than you thought.
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