Childhood is a particularly important time for learning and there are many benefits to teaching your child another language. Studies conducted by Harvard determined that children who are bilingual are more creative, more flexible, more engaged in problem solving, and score better on tests. With that in mind, if you’re trying to figure out which language to add to your child’s repertoire, why not try Arabic?
Why Your Child Should Learn Arabic Language Skills
In addition to the benefits of learning a second language mentioned above, teaching your child Arabic will help them learn a skill that will also be beneficial to them later in life. Sure they might not see it now when they’re young, but they’ll thank you when they get older as the Arabic you teach them opens doors to many employment and business opportunities. As more and more international companies are doing business in Arabic-speaking countries, the need for employees who are fluent in Arabic is increasing. This means teaching your child Arabic now will give them a higher likelihood of getting hired and promoted later.
And it’s not just in the business
world where your child can excel after they learn Arabic. With the Middle East
playing an ever-increasing role on the world stage, governments are also
seeking staff members who learn to speak Arabic fluently to help with translating
and building peaceful relationships with governments in countries where Arabic
is the official language.
We know you’re not in a hurry for your child to grow up to quickly, so in the meantime, know that teaching your child Arabic will also help them better understand and appreciate Arab culture. Furthermore, in communities throughout America, Arabs and Arabic speakers are becoming more and more a part of our ever-diversifying population. As a result of learning Arabic, your child can not only help build better communities, but also make lifelong relationships with your Arabic speaking neighbors. is there a better reason for learning Arabic than that?
When Should Children Learn Arabic?
Like anything you teach your children, the earlier you expose them to the Arabic language, the easier it will be for them to learn and retain it. Children’s brains develop the quickest during their first five years of life. However, during this time, and throughout most of their preschool years, they’re busy learning their native language. This means that, unless you live in an Arabic speaking country, your child’s first language will most likely be English. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t teach them Arabic concurrently at home.
Like other languages, Arabic can be taught to children at a very young age. Seven or eight years old is the perfect age for children to start learning Arabic because this is when their brains are at the peaks of their cerebral superpowers and learning new information happens more quickly than at any other time in their lives.
The Best Way To Teach Your Child Arabic
Education has changed a lot over the last 20 or so years. Yes there are still educational based institutions such as public and private schools and academies. If the truth be told, however, it is very, very rare that you’ll find a school or language learning academy that will teach your child Arabic. That means you’ll probably have to start teaching your child at home. Lucky for you, though, there has been a big push in recent years for learning at home and using the Internet and downloadable apps to help you teach your children.
So what resources can you use?
So, if you’re wondering what’s the best way to learn Arabic for your child,
how about starting with their mobile phones? It is a well known fact that children love
their smartphones and spending time online, so why not persuade them to set
aside some of that time for using one of the Arabic learning apps that are available today?
Kaleela is the best Arabic language app available to help you start teaching your child Arabic today. Downloadable to both iOS and Android mobile devices, this user-friendly app offers fun and engaging content that they can do anywhere that doesn’t feel like school work! They can do it on the school bus on the way home, before dinner or after dinner. Anywhere or anytime that is convenient for both you and them. Even better, you can learn Arabic with them!
But make sure to do it progressively
Start with teaching them to learn Arabic alphabet letters and how to write Arabic letters. Afterwards, they can progress to learning Arabic for beginners where they will learn basic Arabic words and phrases in Modern Standard Arabic. Before you know it they will learn to read Arabic, learn to speak Arabic, and will have mastered Arabic pronunciation. Once they’ve learned Modern Standard Arabic, they can progress even deeper into Arabic dialects by learning Egyptian Arabic, Levantine Arabic and even the Syrian dialect!
So, as you can see, teaching a child Arabic at an early age comes with many benefits and advantages. In addition to those benefits mentioned above, learning Arabic will stimulate their brain, allow them to develop their curiosity and cultural appreciation, and create a lifelong love of learning. Go to for more information on how you can start teaching your child Arabic today.
Kaleela – Learn Arabic the Right Way!