Learn Arabic at an Early Age When You’re Twentysomething

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When is it too late to learn a new language? Well, fact is, learning a new language benefits you no matter what age you are. For example, trying to learn Arabic language skills can add rocket fuel to your resume in your twenties and thirties. This can make you more attractive to potential employers in your forties, and help stave off Alzheimer’s by a few years from your fifties onward.

So why do people in their twenties feel so overwhelmed these days when it comes to learning Arabic or other languages? Is it because they’re too distracted by other things, that learning Arabic takes a back seat to living life? In this article today, we are going to look at these questions. We will find out what gets in the way of twentysomethings learning Arabic. Also, we will see how, with a little effort, they can balance studying Arabic with the rest of their responsibilities.

College, University, or Work

Twentysomethings, and especially those in their early twenties, are likely either studying at college or university or are working to make money. Some are even doing both. As a result, it can be difficult to find time to sign up for an Arabic class. Even trying to learn Arabic online through a distance-learning course can be difficult.

As a result, the best way to learn Arabic for those who feel they don’t have a lot of time to attend a course or learn online is to download one of the many Arabic learning apps like the Kaleela Arabic learning app. For people who have little time, Kaleela helps you learn Arabic language skills on your time and at your pace. Plus, because it’s downloaded on your IOS or Android mobile device. Thus, you take it with you everywhere you take your mobile. This means you can now learn Arabic anytime, anywhere – all at your convenience!

Social Media

It’s true that, no matter what their age, most people are often distracted by social media. However, those in their twenties grew up at a time when they probably now don’t even remember actually not using it. This is how they’ve met new people and how they’ve engaged with the community most of their lives. All of this can mean more notifications popping up on social media sites. This is even when they’re home trying to focus on their Arabic.

Despite the distractions of social media, you can still use social media apps to reach your Arabic language goals. For example, you can search for online friends from any of the Arabic speaking countries to practice with. Or you look for Arabic language groups with like-minded people who are also trying to learn to speak Arabic to practice your Arabic speaking and listening skills. Just don’t forget to turn off your notifications when you self study so they won’t be a distraction.

Let’s Party… Later!

Believe it or not, most of us were in our twenties once. We know what it’s like to want to go out with our friends and relieve a little stress. In other words, we remember what it feels like to want to have fun and party! Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone. Partying doesn’t necessarily mean going out to drink alcohol at a bar or dance club. For some, it can mean inviting friends over for pizza and a movie.  

Look, there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with wanting to have a little fun. However, it can be a problem if partying takes the place of studying. Excessive partying and staying out late every night can have terrible effects on your Arabic language learning and your ability to focus. So, try to find a balance or better yet, minimize your partying to one night a week. Also, get some sleep and you’ll be able to learn languages free from worry. Besides, you’re going to need as much sleep as you can get now. You’ve got still the rest of your great big beautiful life in front of you.


You can learn a lot about life when your twentysomething and unfortunately most of us learn about our first heartbreaks in our twenties; however, as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted.” which means you learned something, right? So, that time was never really wasted. However, being in love and being in a relationship can be confusing when you’re still a young adult and haven’t really figured out who you are yet, let alone who you are to somebody else.  Besides, relationships and all the struggles and responsibilities that they come with can be a major distraction from your studies and make it hard to focus on your Arabic language learning.

Okay, so with all of that said, relationships can, on the other hand, be supportive of language learning. If you’re in a healthy, mature relationship with a partner who’s willing to help you practice, or who’s studied or actually speaks Arabic themselves, well that’s when learning languages benefits you and your relationship. Who knows? Maybe it can even help you learn Arabic faster than you would trying to learn it on your own.


So maybe you took a different path and decided you wanted to start a family right after high school, but now you want to go to college and learn Arabic. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Thousands of people do it every semester. And we realize what a distraction raising children can be when you’re trying to study; kids take a lot of work, and if your child is still young, you might not be getting adequate sleep.

However impossible it may feel during this time to learn Arabic, it doesn’t have to be that way. As we mentioned for those who go to college or work (and after all, isn’t being a stay-at-home really a full time job anyway?), this is where language learning websites and language learning apps come to the rescue. With websites and apps that allow you to learn languages online, it’s easy to practice for a few minutes each day, say after the kids have gone to bed, or after you’ve sent them to school. The point is you can still learn Arabic on your time, whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you. The biggest thing to think about here is not to be too hard on yourself. Set small goals for yourself and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is anybody’s Arabic, so be patient with yourself.

Oh and one of best language learning techniques for parents is to practice with your kids. Most of them are just as excited about foreign languages as you are, so by regularly practicing Arabic with them, you teach both them and yourself at the same time while also giving them a better grasp of Arabic as they get older. 

In conclusion

Although there are plenty of distractions around you when your twentysomething, the earlier you learn Arabic, the sooner you’ll be fluent in it. If you keep all of these detractions in your life, on the other hand, the slower you learn and you’re more likely to lose it if you don’t use it. No matter how busy your life is now, there’s really no better time than in your twenties to learn Arabic. And at a time in history where there are plenty of Arabic language apps and free online website to learn Arabic, it’s easier than ever to get started.

If you’re interested start to learn Modern Standard Arabic or any of the Arabic dialects we offer, why not check out the best way to learn a language online – the Kaleela Arabic learning app? As you may already know, researchers have proven that one of the best language learning techniques is learning Arabic through Arabic learning apps. So, start learning Arabic now by downloading the Kaleela Arabic learning app to your IOS or Android device today.

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