Meaningful Arabic Quotes That’ll Get You Through Your Day

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Okay Arabic language learners, Kaleela has given you Arabic sayings about life. We’ve given you quotes in Arabic about love. We’ve even let you take our Arabic quotes, copy and paste them to social media to impress your friends. This time, we’ve decided to motivate you with some short inspirational Arabic quotes to help brighten your day. We’re also including some encouraging phrases in Arabic that you can learn and use to brighten someone else’s day. How great is that?

Remember: السعادة ليست شيئاً يحصل بسهولة, فإنها تأتي من أفعالك / al-ssaʿādah laīsat šaīʾan yuḥaṣṣalu bisuhūlah, faʾinnihā taʾtī min ʾafʿalik. (That’s Arabic for “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.”)

So, let’s get started, shall we?

Motivational Quotes and Phrases in Arabic

Arabic Transliteration English
كن التغير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم. kun al-ttaġyira al-aḏiī turīdu ʾan tarāhu fiī al-ʿalam. Be the change you want to see in the world.
لا يوجد طريق مختصر إلى مكان يستحق الذهاب إليه. lā yuūǧadu ṭarīqun muḫtaṣar ʾilā makānin yastaḥiqu al-ḏḏahāba ʾilayih. There are no short cuts to any place worth going.
لن تكون قادراً على قطع المحيط إذا لم يكن لديك الشجاعة أن تخسر مرآى الشاطئ. lan takūna qaādiran ʿalā qaṭʿi al-muḥīṭ ʾiḏā lam yakun ladaīka al-šaǧāʿah ʾan taḫasr marʾā al-ššāṭiʾ. You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
الخطر الأعظم على معظمنا هو ليس أن يكون هدفنا عال جداً, و أن نخفق في تحقيقه, بل أن يكون سهلاً جداً و نحققه. al-ḫaṭaru al-ʾaʿẓamu ʿalā muʿẓaminā huwa laīsa ʾan yakuūna hadafunā ʿaalin ǧiddan, wa ʾan nuḫfiqa fiī taḥqīqahi, ball ʾan yakuūna sahlaan ǧiddan wa nuḥaqiqahu. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is it too low and we reach it.
دائما خذ في عين الإعتبار أن قرار النجاح هو أهم من أي شيء آخر. dāʾiman ḫuḏ fiī ʿaīni al-ʾiʿtibāri ʾanna qarāra al-nnaǧāḥ huwa ʾahammu min ʾayyi šaīʾ ʾāḫar. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
  لا يهم كم أنت بطيء طالما أنك لن تتوقف. laā yuhimmu kam ʾanta baṭīʾ ṭaalamā ʾannaka lan tatawaqqaf. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Arabic Words and Phrases to Encourage and Motivate Others

Learning some phrases and proverbs in Arabic to motivate yourself to learn even more of the language is awesome! However, you want to something even more awesome? Learning some phrases you can use to inspire other Arabic learners to keep learning the language! Here a few Arabic words and phrases you can use to do just that.

Arabic Transliteration English
تستطيع أن تفعلها! tastaṭīʿu ʾan tafʿalahā! You can do it!
ماذا لديك لتخسره؟ māḏā ladaīka litaḫsarah? What do you have to lose?
لا تستسلم! lā tastaslim! Don’t give up!
أنت لست وحيداً. ʾanta lasta waḥīdan. You are not alone.
استمر بالقيام بعمل جيد. istamir bilqiyām biʿamalin ǧayyid. Keep up the good work.
أنا فخور جداً بك! ʾanā faḫūrun ǧiddan bik! I’m so proud of you!
ماذا تنتظر؟ māḏā tantaẓir? What are you waiting for?
انطلق! inṭaliq! Go for it!
استمر في المحاولة! istamir fī al-muḥāwalah! Keep fighting!
آمن بنفسك. ʾāmin binafsik. Believe in yourself.
الأمر يستحق المحاولة. al-ʾamr yastaḥiq al-muḥāwalah. It’s worth a shot.

There you have them – Arabic short quotes to keep you and others motivated to learn more Arabic. Inṭaliq!

Now that you’re motivated to learn more Arabic, why not start with the Kaleela Arabic Learning App. It’s perfect for both those just starting out and those who already know some Arabic. Plus, it lets you learn Arabic where you want, when you want and at the pace you want. Find out more about how you can start using the Kaleela Arabic App and start speaking Arabic tomorrow. Download Kaleela for more!

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