Seven Benefits of Learning Arabic Through an Arabic Learning App

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We’ve already talked about the importance of learning Arabic letters. We’ve also talked about the diverse ways in which you can learn how you can improve your learning in Arabic. However, have you thought about what you’ll gain by learning Arabic through an Arabic learning app? Here are just a few things you’ll get out of it:

1. It’s as Flexible as You Are

Let’s face it, there’s likely one reason that you’re thinking of using a language learning app to learn Arabic. That reason is you simply don’t have enough time in your day to commit to taking an Arabic language class. That’s where the flexibility of an Arabic language app comes into play.

By using an Arabic learning app, you can learn Arabic at your convenience. Rather than leave the office early or skip family dinner to commute to class, you can just log into the app when it’s convenient for you. Plus, you can do it at a time that doesn’t interfere with other obligations. That flexibility allows you to more easily balance work, life, and learning a new language.

2.Learn at Your Own Pace

Maybe in high school or university you learned a little slower (or a little faster) than your peers. As a result, you don’t always feel comfortable in a classroom. It seems a hassle to  ask professors to repeat a point they made in their last lecture. The same may go if you want them to dive into deeper detail on Arabic grammar.

When learning Arabic with an online app, you can revisit past material or stop the lesson to perform extra research, review certain parts for exams or organize your notes. In other words, you study the Arabic language at your own pace. Thus, you ensure you’re really master the material before moving on to the next section. This, in turn, allows you to move through your lessons at your own speed. In the end, you get more out of your Arabic learning app as a result.

3. Keep Self-Motivated

Among the top 10 skills that employers are looking for when hiring new workers is the skill of self-motivation. By learning Arabic through an online Arabic language app, you’re showing likely employers that you can practice time management and are self-motivated. 

Teachers like students who are independent, able to quickly learn on their own and engage themselves in lectures and materials. Employers are much the same. They like hiring those who are self-motivated, those who take interest in the work that they do, and those who find new ways of doing things. This is because both teachers and employers know that the more your heart is in what your doing, the better your chances of success.

4. Gain a Broader Global View

When you study Arabic, you’ll not only learn a new language, but you’ll also learn about Arab culture. This will help you in broaden your worldview and become more aware of other cultures. For example, Islam has such a great impact on the lives of most people living in the Arab world. Learning the language of Arabs and Muslims will, therefore, help you understand the importance of learning Arabic language in Islam while you’re learning Arabic.

Being exposed to new ideas from people living in the Middle East may ignite more creativity inside of you. This can be helpful for both your personal and professional life.

5. Hone Your Critical-Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is taking a look at all the facts and then making a decision based on those facts. For example, have ever asked yourself a question like, “How can we learn to read and write the Arabic alphabet faster?” Then you’re using your critical thinking skills.  

Try to think of it this way: a good Arabic language learning app will force you to think in a different way as you try to figure out answers on your own – and thinking different will lead to success both at home and at work. As a result, self-paced and self-motivated learning shows others that you’re capable of thinking outside of the box, helping you overcome any potential roadblocks that you’ll face on the road to success.

6. Improve Your Technical Know-How

Of course, through learning with an Arabic language app, you’ll be using digital learning tools. This, in turn, will lead you to learning other new digital tools and software. This will also more than likely help you learn to overcome common issues that sometimes happen with these tools.

Along with an Arabic language app, you may also have to use a wide variety of communication tools when learning the language such as:

  • Skype: The video conferencing software lets you speak face-to-face with your peers.
  • Dropbox: Share papers with your group and keep work in one place using this file hosting service.
  • Slack: The messaging platform is helpful if you need to instant message in real-time or break off into smaller groups to work on a certain part of the project.

Most Arabic language apps are an all-in-one tool that gives you all you need to learn Arabic within the app itself. However, using some combo of the apps above (or similar ones) will make you more comfortable learning both Arabic, but also other new skills that are essential to success in both your personal and professional life.

So, what are you waiting for? There’s no doubt that the best way to learn Arabic is through the Kaleela Arabic learning app. Download it now and start learning Arabic today! Along with Modern Standard Arabic, you can learn to speak Arabic for almost every situation you’ll run into.  What’s more, you can even learn other Arabic dialects like Egyptian Arabic, Levantine Arabic, and now, even Syrian Arabic! And Kaleela is so convenient – you can learn Arabic anytime, anywhere and at a pace that’s comfortable for you! Check it out from Google Play or App Store and start taking advantage of all of these benefits and more.

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