The last year we’ve witnessed the appearance of a new four-letter word – MOOC – an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses. Many organizations are offering online courses to millions of students all over the world. Anybody who has an internet connection and the will to learn can access these courses from excellent and reliable sources. In today’s article, we will focus on a different aspect of MOOC. We are taking a look at what we are learning and the technologies we are developing in the big picture and applying them to the details. We are trying to create a blended model of education in an effort to really reinvent and reimagine what we would normally do in a classroom.
Unfortunately, education hasn’t really changed in the past few decades. The last big innovation in education was the printing press which gave us textbooks. However, while everything else from healthcare to transportation was changing around us, education didn’t. It’s also been a real issue in terms of access. Not everyone has access to education, no matter how willing and deserving they are (think of Africa). We at Kaleela believe that we can transform education, in quality, scale and access through technology. This is the reason why we would like to point out the advantages of learning Arabic online.
Traditional learning environments, consciously or not, can pose serious obstacles to many potential learners. The higher costs associated with creating and maintaining face-to-face lessons prevent many lower-income individuals from benefiting from education. That education may significantly increase the value of their lives. There are also many people whose life situation prevents them from being able to attend traditional classes. People with young children or those working demanding jobs may not be able to attend a classroom in the morning hours. Perhaps they would have a couple of hours in the evening to devote to on-demand training materials. For those of us interested in equal access to education, supporting online learning is a no-brainer.
Working a nine-to-five job and pursuing courses may seem tiring. Especially if you have to go to a training center before or after work. Sometimes going to the training center may rob your weekends and eat up your free time. Online training courses can be taken anytime, anywhere. The only requirement would be an internet connection. You can make time during your coffee breaks at work or sit on your couch and take online courses. Also, you can listen to audio/video files on your work route. This ensures flexibility in terms of time and effort.
During snowstorms and thunderstorms, colleges may cancel classes to avoid putting commuting students at the risks of dangerous driving conditions. Rather than miss important class sessions, online students can always “attend” by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions. They can turn in their work on time, and watch lectures or reading material at a time convenient to them.
Money saving
This is very closely related to the point above. many students also find substantial savings on fuel costs with no commute needed to attend online classes. Online learning is cost efficient for organizations as well! Students can learn using any device connected to the internet. There’s no need to spend a lot of money renting a building, paying an expensive electricity bill, internet connection and running water so the students can be physically there to take courses. And if you’re looking for the best app to learn Arabic, we got your back!
Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You will not be bound to physical class session when you opt for online education. All lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your home, from a park, a café, a library … the list goes on!
More interactive and greater ability to concentrate
Online courses help trainees retain and remember information with attractive images, videos, legible fonts, movie clips, animated descriptions, and more. Real-life examples are also given to explain concepts better. Displaying information in well-crafted ways lead to better understanding of learning content more than taking notes with pen and paper. Face-to-face instructor-led training can force trainees to deviate from topics because of long-winded instructors where a lecture is the major mode of communication. Some students even report better concentration in online classes due to the lack of classroom activity.
Some people prefer face-to-face training, while others may prefer online training. According to the American Society for Training and Development, nearly one-third of all e-learning content and material is available. Online training is no doubt a huge cost saver for organizations and individuals. Utilizing the internet for improving your skills is the ultimate way to climb up the ladder of success, as the best investment that you can make is investing in yourself.
If you liked this article and would like to start learning Arabic, why not head over to our website and download the Kaleela Arabic learning app and learn to speak Arabic today? With the Kaleela Arabic learning app you can start learning Arabic on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. It really is the best way to learn Arabic! Try it now and find out why.