Top 9 Tips and Tricks That Will Help Improve Your Spoken Arabic

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Whether you are new to learning spoken Arabic, or you have been at it for a while, there are some tried and tested tips and tricks that can help you go from zero to having a conversation in no time. Learning a new language can be fun if you have some ways of fitting it in with your daily life. Before you know it, you will be speaking like a local!

Schedule time for your Arabic speaking practice. Whether you use your phone as a reminder, a diary entry, or a note on the refrigerator to remind you. Building consistency through daily practice is the key to success. Practice makes perfect. 

So here are our suggestions

  1. It just takes twenty-one days to become a habit. Once you get started, make sure you keep practicing every day. You can do it in chunks throughout the day. 
  2. Talk to yourself – you read that right! This is a wonderful way to start speaking Arabic. When you say the words out loud, you are practicing the unique sounds in the Arabic lexicon. This will give you lots of good practice for speaking and working on mastering the sounds that are foreign to you.
  3. Find conversation topics that are going to be most useful to you. For example, greetings and common phrases that you think you will use every day. Once you master these, you can expand your vocabulary in Arabic to include more detailed and complex language to meet your needs.
  4. As well as using an application, find someone to practice your new Arabic dialogue with. Most people will be delighted that you are learning their language, so make the most of it and get some expert tips from a native speaker if you can. 
  5. Have fun! Laugh at yourself when you make a mistake, it is not a good idea to be hard on yourself and have the internal dialogue become negative. Learning spoken Arabic is fun, so enjoy the highs and lows. If you can have a laugh, making mistakes becomes light-hearted.
  6. Take some risks and talk to people in Arabic. Think of people that you can talk to and how to start speaking Arabic to them. Try the local supermarket or coffee shop. Learn how to greet them and order your coffee, or ask for simple items in a supermarket like milk and bread. Once you build up your vocabulary in Arabic, you will become a whizz at shopping.
  7. Listen to native speakers and what type of vocabulary in Arabic that they use. Can you recognize some repetitive words that may help you? 
  8. Jump in! Go out with some native Arabic speakers for an evening. Ask them to only converse in spoken Arabic. Try to figure out new words. Even if they have to resort to hand signaling and body language, try to see if you can use this time for your Arabic speaking practice.
  9. Watch movies and television in Arabic. It is a great way to be entertained while brushing up on your Arabic speaking practice and building your vocabulary in Arabic. 

If you liked this article and would like to learn Arabic, why not head over to our website and download the Kaleela Arabic learning app and learn to speak Arabic today? With the Kaleela Arabic learning app you can start learning Arabic on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. It really is the best way to learn Arabic! Try it now and find out why.

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