Top Tips For Remembering 200 Arabic Terms And More!

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So, you’ve decided to start finding out how to learn Arabic. Well, let us be one of the first to congratulate you on wanting to learning the fourth most spoken language in the world. In fact, Arabic has more than 300 million speakers around the world (and growing). Add that to the demand for Arabic speakers and you’ll see that Arabic is quickly becoming an important language to learn. And with an estimated 12.5 million terms making up the language, it seems impossible to learn Arabic’s many words. This brings us to today’s topic – top tips to help you memorize Arabic vocabulary.

Quickly Learn Word Frequency Arabic Lists

Every language in the world has certain words that appear in that language more than others. Arabic is no exception to that rule. Thus, you need to memorize these basic Arabic words first to both boost your level in Arabic and learn the language with any success. Start by searching for an Arabic word list of 500 words, for instance. As a result, this list will be the 500 words used most often in Arabic. This makes it an ideal tool for learning Arabic. Moreover, you should be able to memorize it within a month which means memorizing 15 words a day. 

How to Memorize Arabic Vocabulary

So, how exactly are you supposed to memorize those 10 – 15 words of Arabic a day? Well, by using a method known as the Spaced Repetition System (SRS). SRS allows learners to retain words, ideas, and other info in the long-term by raising the time in-between each review of your Arabic words.

The first step in using SRS is planning what words you will learn in relation to the forgetting curve. The forgetting curve is a theory that what you learn is lost over time when there is no attempt to retain it. Planning with the forgetting curve in mind will let you review words you’ve already learned just before you forget them. As a result, you won’t waste time looking back at the terms you’re not about to forget anyway. Thus, you won’t need to review words you haven’t retained.

With all of this being said, there are many such lists to be had online. Just do a simple internet search and you’re sure to find one. We suggest you start by memorizing the words for basic sentences first. After, you can move on to the terms you need for meeting new people. Next, move on to words for asking directions and so forth. After you’ve chosen the word list you want to retain, it’s likely you’ll quickly learn Arabic vocabulary using the SRS. This means you’ll retain it in your brain longer.

Memorizing Phrases Leads to Learning New Arabic Terms

Once you’ve retained the words in your frequency lists, don’t sit back on your laurels just yet. Retaining the words in an Arabic vocabulary frequency list alone doesn’t cut the mustard.  In truth, learning isolated words is simply not enough when it comes to learning Arabic. To be fluent, you have to be able to use those words in sentences in the same ways people use them in the real world.  This means you’ll need to make these terms into phrases or full sentences in order to use them well enough to have a real conversation. This also means that you’ll also have to remember phrases that use the terms that you already know.  Still, keep in mind that just as there are frequency lists, there are sentence patterns: the most used phrases used in everyday conversations which can be retained for learning Arabic in hardly any time at all.

These are your top tips for today. If you’d like to learn Arabic language skills and more about other techniques that will help you to start learning Arabic more successfully,  why not start by downloading the Kaleela Arabic learning app – the best way to learn Arabic! Along with Modern Standard Arabic, you can learn many other Arabic dialects like Egyptian Arabic, Levantine Arabic, and even Syrian Arabic! And Kaleela is so convenient; you can learn Arabic anytime, anywhere and a pace that’s comfortable to you!

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