How to Make an Appointment in Arabic with Just About Anyone

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Today’s busy lifestyle often requires us to make plans well in advance.  These can be formal appointments for an official meeting or an informal appointment meeting with a work colleague for lunch. Regardless, learning how to make an appointment is part of necessary daily life no matter your language. However, if you’re learning Arabic, you’re in luck as today we show you how to make an appointment in Arabic.

How To Make An Appointment in the Arab World

As you know, there are many ways to schedule a meeting these days. You can call a person directly or write them an email. Even some places are accepting texts appointments these days thanks to social media.

Whatever way you choose, be sure to give your name and the reason that you want to make an appointment. It’s also possible to request a certain time so everyone can meet when it’s best for them. (Just be sure to show up on time.)

Arabic Words and Phrases for Making an Appointment

Again, when making an appointment always be sure the other person is available when you need them. Here are a list of questions to help you do that in Arabic:

English Transliteration Arabic
Can we meet at ______? hal yumkinuna aliajtimae fi ______? ؟______  هل يمكننا الاجتماع في
Do you have time on____ ? hal ladayk waqt fi______? ؟______  هل لديك وقت في  
Are you free______? hal ‘ant mutafarigh______? ؟______  هل أنت متفرغ
Let’s meet ___. linajtamie___ . ______  لنجتمع
When can I talk to you? mataa yumkinuni altahaduth maeak______? ؟______  متى يمكنني التحدث معك
Can I meet you ______? ‘ayumkinuni alialtiqa’ bik______? ؟______  أيمكنني الالتقاء بك
How about ______? madha ean______? ؟______  ماذا عن
Do you have anytime available? hal ladayk ‘ayu waqt mutah?  هل لديك أي وقت متاح ؟
Can you give me an appointment on ___? hal yumkinuk ‘iietayiy maweid fi______? ؟______ هل يمكنك إعطائي موعد في
Is __(Day)___ is convenient for you? hal (yum)…. munasib lak ? هل (يوم)…. مناسب لك ؟

Accepting Appointments

Since you aren’t always going to be the one making appointments, here’s what to say when you have to accept them:

English Transliteration Arabic
Sure. I’ll come. bialtaakid , sati بالتأكيد ، سآتي
Yes, Saturday is fine. naeam , yawm alsabt munasib نعم ، يوم السبت مناسب
Monday would be perfect. yawm alaithnayn sayakun munasib jidana يوم الاثنين سيكون مناسب جدا
I will be there at that time. sa’akun hunak fi dhalik alwaqt سأكون هناك في ذلك الوقت

Cancelling or Rejecting an Appointment

Let’s face it – you’re not always going to be able to make it to every appointment. And sometimes you may not want to accept one, so here’s what to say:

English Transliteration Arabic
Sorry. I have another appointment at that time. asf . ladaya maweid akhar fi dhalik alwaqt   آسف . لدي موعد آخر في ذلك الوقت  
I’m sure I can’t come. ‘ana muta’akid ‘aniy la ‘astatie alhudur أنا متأكد أني لا أستطيع الحضور
I’m sorry. I won’t be able to make it on ___. asf , falan ‘akun qadiran ealaa ‘iinjazih fi… … آسف ، فلن أكون قادرا على إنجازه في  
Sorry. I don’t think I can make it. asf , la ‘azunu ‘aniy ‘astatie ‘iinjazah آسف ، لا أظن أني أستطيع إنجازه

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