There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who like to travel or go out often and those whom the Arabs call بيتوتي / baytooti – a person who likes to stay at home. Incidentally, in the Arabic language, as in English there is a difference between a منزل / manzil (house) and a بيت / bayt (home). After all, a manzil is just a manzil, but a bayt is where the قلب qalb (heart) is. Which is why the bayt is very much an important part of everyday life for Arabs. With that in mind, let’s learn some Arabic words and phrases that will make you feel at home.

Every house has a سقف saqf (roof) overhead, under which are many غرف ghuraf (rooms). These usually include a غرفة المعيشة ghurfat almaeisha (living room), مطبخ matbakh (kitchen), a غرفة نوم ghurfat nawm (bedroom), a حمام Hammaam (bathroom) and sometimes, a غرفة جلوس ghurfat juloos (sitting room). Some may even have a كراج karaaj (garage) where you can park your سيارة siyyaarah (car) and a big بستان  garden (bustaan) where your children can play in a حمام السباحة hammaam assibaaha (swimming pool).

You can usually identify every ghurfa in the manzil by the different items found within it. For example, in the bedroom, you can usually expect to find a السرير assareer (bed), a منضدة mindhadah (nightstand), a couple of مصابيح masaabeeh (lamps), and a خزانة khazaanah (closet) to hang your ملابس malaabis (clothes) in.

In the Hammam you can probably find:

Toilet in Arabicmirhaadhمرحاض
Shower in Arabicdushدش
Sink in Arabicmaghsalahمغسلة
Toothbrush in Arabicfurshaat al‘asnaanفرشاة الأسنان
Shampoo in Arabicghasool sha’arغسول شعر
Soap in Arabicsaaboonصابون
Mirror in Arabicmir’aatمرآة
Bathroom in Arabic Hammaamحمام

The following items can be found in the in the matbakh:

Stove in Arabicfurnفرن
Refrigerator in Arabicthalaajahثلاجة
Trash can in Arabiczubaalahزبالة
Fork in Arabicshawkahشوكة
Spoon in Arabicmalaa’iqملاعق
Knife in Arabicsakaakeenسكاكين
Glass in Arabicka’sكأس
Dishes in Arabic‘atbaaqأطباق
Kitchen in Arabicmatbakhمطبخ

Finally, items you will find in a ghurfat nawm:

Bedroom in Arabicghurfat nawmغرفة نوم
Bed in Arabicassareerالسرير
Lamp in Arabicmasaabeehمصابيح
Nightstand in Arabicmindhadahمنضدة
Closet in Arabickhazaanahخزانة

As we mentioned before, in nearly all Arabic speaking countries, the ‘’bayt’’ plays a very major role in the life of the أسرة ‘usrah (family) which is generally made up of more than just the parents and their children. Indeed, in an Arabic home you will also usually find many members of the extended family hanging out, including grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

In Saudi Arabia, for example, منازل manaazil (houses) are built to accommodate up to 10 or 15 family members, and much it does in the rest of the world, the ghurfat almaeisha place a central role in the home, both architecturally and literally as it’s usually surrounded by the maTbakh and the ghurfat al-juluus and غرفة الأكل ghurfat al’akl (dining room). Quite often, it’s the largest room in the manzil and is available through different ghuraf.

That’s pretty much all the Arabic language you will need to feel right at home, no matter where you travel. Next time you’re out at somebody house and they tell you (بيتي بيتك) bayti baytak (My home is your home if you translate from Arabic to English), now you can truly feel at home sweet home.

We hope learning Arabic through will always make you feel at home. After all, we consider you part of our Arabic language learning family. So, come on in, kick your off, download the Kaleela Arabic learning app, and join us in warm Arabic conversation in our home. bayti baytek!