Arabic Connectors

As the case with English, conjunctions serve the same purpose that we know of: to connect sentences and make our writing less repetitive. Arabic conjunctions, referred to as “عطف” /atf/, are fixed and limited. Here is the only list of conjunctions in Arabic Grammar you will ever need.
What is the number one conjunction that everyone is guilty of over-using? It’s “and”. Arab speakers do so too. It is used to combine two subjects, verbs, phrases or clauses.
The girls and boys went outside.
البنات و الأولاد ذهبوا للخارج /al banat wal awlad thahabo lil kharij/
The woman cut and ate fruits.
المرأة قطّعت و أكلت الفواكه /al mar’a qata’at wa akalat al fawakih/
This is equivalent to the conjunction “then” or “so” and is used for a number of purposes including: stating a consequence, ordering, and sequencing.
Mohammed wrote then Sarah.
كتب محمد فسارة /kataba Mohammed fa Sarah/
He worked hard so he succeeded.
اجتهد فنجح /ijtahada fa najah/
This conjunction is used for negative cases so it refers to the words “not”, “neither”, and “nor”. The words followed by /la/ are a negative statement of what the sentence begins with.
Sarah wrote, not Mohammed.
سارة كتبت لا محمد /Sarah katabat la Mohammed/
This conjunction is also used for ordering and sequencing, however, it places a certain delay in the consequential action. It is the equivalence of “later” or “then later” in more specific cases.
Sarah went then later Mohammed.
ذهبت سارة ثم محمد /thahabat Sarah thumma Mohammed/
I saw my friend then I went home.
رأيت صديقي ثم ذهبت إلى البيت /ra’ayto sadeeki thumma thahabto ela al bait/
In English, /hatta/ is used similarly to “even”. This conjunction has two opposing uses depending on the context: elevation or subjugation.
Everyone cleaned even the boss.
نظف الجميع حتّى المدير /nathafa al jamee’ hatta al mudeer/
The employees failed even their best.
فشل الموظفين حتّى أفضلهم /fashala al muwathafeen hatta afdaluhom/
This is another easy one, and is commonly referred to as “or” in English. As the case in English, /aw/ is used to express doubt, ambiguity, choice, or consent depending on the context.
Something broke: the cup or bowl.
انكسر شيئ، الكأس أو الصحن /inkasara shay’ al ka’s aw al sahn/
Her friend is here or there.
صديقتها هنا أو هناك /sadeekatuha huna aw hunak/
Eat pie or cake.
كل فطيرة أو كعكة /kul fateera aw ka’kaa/
He can walk or run.
يمكنه المشي أو الركض /yumkinoho al mashi aw al rakd/
Another commonly used conjunction, in both Arabic and English, universally known as “but”. /lakin/ is used for negative statements.
Sarah didn’t go out but Mohammed did.
ما ذهبت سارة لكن محمد /ma thahabat Sarah lakin Mohammed/
Mohammed cleaned the room but not the table.
نظف محمد الغرفة لكن لم ينظف الطاولة /nathafa Mohammed al ghorfa lakin lam yunathif al taawila/
This conjunction is used to state rejection for the first part of the sentence, and confirm the second part, similarly to the words “rather” or “more accurately” in English.
I played basketball, rather football in school.
لعبت كرة السلة بل كرة القدم في المدرسة /la’ibtu kurat al sallah bal kurrat al qadam fil madrasa/
Although there was one “or” stated earlier, this is another. The only difference with /am/ is that it is used in yes-no interrogative statements. For a formal question, it starts with “أ”/a/. With a less formal question, it starts with “هل” /hal/.
Do you want sugar or not?
هل تريد سكر أم لا؟ /hal tureedo sukar am la/
Did you write the report or not?
أكتبت التقرير أم لا؟ /akatabtal taqreer am la/
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