Let Your Friend Know They’re Your Best Friend in Arabic

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So you’ve met an Arab friend and the they’ve become your اعز اصدقاء الى الابد  / aeiz aisdiqa’ ala alabid (that’s “best friends forever” in Arabic). In fact, you think it would be a great idea getting matching “Best Friend” in Arabic tattoos together. However, before you do that, you have to learn how to say “best friend” in Arabic.  Well, don’t worry about that because today you’ll learn words to describe what you look for in a best friend.  You’ll also learn how to say phrases like “my best friend” and “you are my best friend” in Arabic. So, what do you say friends? Shall we get started?

What Do You Look For In a Friend?

Here are some vocabulary to describe the qualities you might look for in a best friend:

English Transliteration Arabic
kind/nice lateef لطيف
understanding/sympathetic mutaeatif مُتَعاطِف
energetic nashyt نَشيط
funny mudhik مُضْحِك
generous kareem كَريم
honest sadiq صادق
faithful friend sadiq wafi صديق وفي
sincere mukhlis مخلص
best friend afdil sadiq افضل صديق
my friend sadiqi صديقى

Some Sayings About Friendship in Arabic

While you’re at it, you can learn these Arabic proverbs that describe friendship:

 English Transliteration Arabic
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. al-mašī maʿ ṣadīq fī al-ẓalām ʾafḍal min al-mašī waḥīdan fī al-ḍawʾ. المشي مع صديق في الظلام أفضل من المشي وحيداً في الضوء.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.   al-ṣadīq al-ḥaqīqī huwa al-ّaḏī yamšī maʿak fī ḥīn ʾanna baqiyyaẗu al-ʿal-ami yataḫallā ʿank. الصديق الحقيقي هو الذي يمشي معك في حين أن بقية العالم يتخلى عنك.  
Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. yuẓhir al-ʾaṣdiqāʾ ḥubbahum fī ʾaūqāt al-šiddah, wa laysa fī al-saʿādah. يظهر الأصدقاء حبهم في أوقات الشدة، وليس في السعادة.  
Friends are born, not made. al-ʾaṣdiqāʾ yuūladūn, lā yuṣnaʿūn. الأصدقاء يولدون, لا يصنعون.
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. al-ṣadīq huwa al-šaḫṣu allaḏī yaʿrifuka wa yuḥibbuka kamā ʾant. الصديق هو الشخص الذي يعرفك ويحبك كما أنت.

So, today you learned how to say “my friend” in Arabic language. You also learned how to say “My best friend” in Arabic. Who knows? Before long you might even learn how to say “friend” in Palestinian Arabic. Now get out there, learn more Arabic and meet some new friends.

Let Kaleela Help You Make New Friends

And don’t forget that the Kaleela Arabic Learning App can help you do that. Whether you’re new to Arabic or an old pro looking to refresh your language, Kaleela Arabic learning app is for you! Learn Arabic anytime and anywhere you take your phone. How convenient is that? Find out more about how you can download the app today and start speaking Arabic by tomorrow.

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