Alphabet In Arabic - Arabic Language - Learn The Basics With Kaleela
So, you’re ready to learn the Arabic alphabet? Congratulations on making the first and most important step in learning how to read, write, and speak Arabic. Before you know it, you’ll be using Arabic as if it were your native language.
The Arabic alphabet is actually not an alphabet, but is what is known as an abjad. An abjad is a type of writing system that uses symbols or “glyphs” instead of letters. In other words, think of the symbols you’d find on ancient Egyptian pyramids. Those symbols are known as glyphs. In an abjad, the letters represent consonants and leave it up to you, the reader, to decide where the vowels go. However, Arabic is known as an impure abjad. This means it uses diacritics to show the reader where the vowels go and their sounds. Furthermore, the name abjad actually comes from the first four letters of the original Arabic alphabet - a, b, j, d.
The basic Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters with no upper or lower case forms. Many letters look similar but are able to be told apart from one another by a series of dots known as glyphs. These glyphs are placed above or below the middle of the letter. These dots play an important part as they help differentiate the letters that look the same and represent different sounds like the Arabic letters ب (b), ت (t) and ث (th) which have the same basic shape, but have one dot below, two dots above and three dots above, respectively. Moreover, both printed and written Arabic are cursive, with most of the letters within a word directly connected to the letters next to it.
Take a look at the letters of the Arabic alphabet in the exercises below:
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
This is the letter
Learn Arabic the right way!
For more info regarding the Arabic alphabet and how to learn Arabic online, you can download the Arabic learning app Kaleela to learn Arabic the right way and you can visit our channel for more videos!