If you’re planning to travel to any one of the Arabic speaking countries, you’ll find that the words and phrases you’ll use most often will be the most common Arabic greetings. As a result, these words and phrases will quickly become second nature to you. This is because you’ll be using them in your day to day life with everyone you come across.
In addition, one also has to keep in mind that polite greetings are just as vital in the Arab world as they are in U.S. and Europe. Therefore, greeting someone you know is a vital part of being polite and showing goodwill. As a result, there are many things to take into account when greeting Arab men and women. For example, if you are a man, you should wait for the female to greet you first. This is because of the old school nature in many Arabic greetings and speaking countries it is thought of as bad manners for men and women to greet each other in public.
As another example, when greeting a group of people, it is best to greet each person in the group one at a time from right to left to ensure that each person gets a proper greeting as well as their proper respect.
Likewise, it's also vital to make introductions even when you're not certain of exactly how it should be done in that situation. Quite often, every greeting is the chance to show respect for others and to create a good idea about yourself to others. Therefore, when you greet someone, you accept their presence.
All societies have some form of greeting and some of the most common ways to greet someone in Arabic are
ahlan (hello),
marHaban (hello; greetings) and
ahlan wa sahlan (welcome).

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم
/assalaamu ʻalaykum/
Hello (Islamic hello)
Is the response to
وَ عَلَيْكُم السَّلام
/wa ʻalaykum issalaam/
Is the response to
السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم
صَباحُ الخَيْر
/SabaaHu ilkhayr/
Good morning
(Arabic greetings)
صَباحُ النُّور
/SabaaHu innoor/
Good morning back
(Arabic greetings)
مَساءُ الخَيْر
/masaaʼu ilkhayr/
Good evening / Good afternoon
مَساءُ النُّور
/masaaʼu innoor/
Good evening back/ Good afternoon back
كَيْفَ حالُكَ؟
/kayfa Haaluka/
How are you?
(When addressing a male)
كَيْفَ حالُكِ؟
/kayfa Haaluki/
How are you?
(When addressing a female)
بِخَيْر، الحَمدُ لله
/bikhayr, alHamdu lillaah/
Fine, thank God!
For more info regarding the Arabic alphabet and how to learn Arabic online,
you can download the Arabic learning app Kaleela application to learn Arabic the right way.
* Below the link for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kaleela...
* Below the link for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...