Is a negation tool for nouns and adjectives
/ʼanaa mish/
I am not
/iHnaa mish/
We are not
/ʼinta mish/
You are not (Masculine)
/ʼinti mish/
You are not (Feminine)
/huwweh mish/
He is not
/hiyyeh mish/
She is not
/ʼintoo mish/
You are not (Plural)
/hummeh mish/
They are not
/hiyyeh mish faraH/
She is not Farah
/maa bikaffee/
Not enough
Is used to express an action that did not happen in the past.
As in
/maa ruHit ʻassooʼ/
I did not go to the market
/maa ʼafTarit/
I did not have breakfast
/maa shufit SaaHbee/
I did not meet my friend
Is a negation tool for present tense for habits and dislikes
/maa bashrab ʼahweh/
I do not drink coffee
/maa balʻab riyaadhah/
I do not work out
/maa baHkee ʻarabee/
I do not speak Arabic
/maa raH/
Is a negation tool for future tense
/maa raH nrooH/
We will not go
/maa raH ʼalʻab/
I will not work out